
You're right, of course! They've been recycling ideas for alot of season 5. And considering how monumental the interruption to The Charming's wedding was to the beginning of the story, they wouldn't be able to resist. And, naturally they'd have a big magic-off between Regina & the EQ, probably right there in the

Yeah this sounds about right - thanks! I guess, foolishly, I expected more from these writers, from this show. I guess keeping a main character's love interest independently interesting would be the golden formula, yeah? But this show's failed us from both angles - Emma's no longer very interesting herself. And as a

Yup, that would be lovely, yeah?!

You make alot of good points - thank you! But they don't land for me. I'm a lost cause really. You're right on that their dynamic's been pretty bad this season. But I don't really see a contest between romantic couples.

I hate to interrupt y'alls conversation here, but I just wanted to interject a little something. I agree with you both actually to a certain extent. I love how they play fast & loose with the rules of traditional fairytales! I think that's what first drew me to the show - their weird takes were innovative & good

Haha! This is great! I agree that Killian & Emma's love match used to be one of the better ones. But as the show's transitioned Emma into the lead character I agree with that less & less as the seasons have marched on. I thought the actors had wonderful chemistry, until they relegated Killian's sole purpose on the

Oh I think she already knows that. I think that's what she was saying, well, not so much that there's not as much difference but that it's alwasy there. Always right under the surface, as she struggles to keep in under control. It is, was a paert of her for so long. A person she made herself into & remained for a very

It's a shame you were disappointed with the "Evil Queen" that was ripped out of Regina, but that was par for the course. As someone previously wrote, how she appeared was already established. (I kind of liked it. Sometimes the monsters look like everybody else.) With Hyde, that's how Jekyl imagined, or conjured if

Agreed! But remember, that crazy cat brought a bunch of other characters with him. At least he claimed to.

Oh goodness, I didn't notice it. But I hope it wasn't a foreshadowing of things to come. I mean, how? They never even got their second date. How could they ever get married? Not really something I want to see. But even so, not sure they'll find the time, what with two baddies coming for them next season.

I hope the whole Hook/Emma true love being in the forefront fades away into the background. It's not possible to care less at this point about the whole "will they/won't they" aspect, not when I couldn't care less about their relationship on any level. At all.

I dug your assessment - thank you! But I particularly liked "Instead of going the rote route of having the death of Robin undo all of Regina’s character development, the show uses the death to show even more layers of her personality. After five seasons, it’s masterfully done, mostly due to the effectiveness of Lana

Cringe-worth & corny indeed. Plus, it smacked too much of the scene in Ghosterbusters 2, when Murray was trying to rally the miserable, negative folks of NY for their positive energy to get the Statur of Liberty to walk.

Oh no, please. No more Emma working on any of her issues. Please? I agree with alot of what you wrote, but I didn't think it was a little selfish when she saved Killian; I thought it was savagely selfish. Emma is my least favorite character. (And I'm sure you knew that by now too!) Killian has rebounded wonderfully

Thank you! I dig your thoughts & observations! Alot of really good points, sets me straight on some aspects & they make sense.

Oh BaggythePanther, I completely agree. That being said, it's a fantasy-based TV show with a shelf life.I understand what you wrote, in context of both life as well as the show. Honestly I do. I think though, after 5 years, can't it just be accepted that it's a part of her? Part of her personal tapestry? Why, as the

Sounds about right, for this show. Maybe they bit off more than they could chew? Seems like a waste of some rad characters.

I love all of this - thank you! One thing though: when you're in a relationship, with someone you love, aren't they then "family". Sometimes, we collect our tribe members as we go along. More than sexual, Robin was Regina's true love. They were each other's family.

Oh I agree with you about Killian Tripp. It would've been a far better story, and noble ending really, had they allowed Hook to move on to his heaven.

HA! I just mentioned your rad suggestion in a post! I love this idea! And I think Killian & Charming would be hilarious together! Nice work BrendaStarr_Reporter, nice work!