
I admit that I don't. I'd rather they get more adventures parallel but independent of each other. It'd be fun - for the characters & the audience - for them each to have a little something different to bring to the table. Someone here said maybe Killian could have adventures with Charming - that would be great! And

Love most of this! But one little thing - Cruella was not killed "accidentally". Emma killed her on purpose, she pulled the trigger the gun didn't accidentally go off. It's just that, as it turns out, Cruella poses no physical threat. This is why she was almost successful in the Underworld in getting Henry to write

Oh I envy you ChrisD, I really do. This finale will be it for me. I have four favorite characters, however I dislike one character soooo much it's influenced my feelings for the entire show. Not even my favorites can save the show for me now.

Yeah. I actually went in hating it & ended up kind of liking it. It was a pleasant surprise.

Yeah, me too. I actually liked her very well through season 2 as well. But I disagree about her still being able to work on any type of important, contributing level - not alone. (And this is really saying something as the show has hitched their wagon to this character; let's face the ugly truth, Emma's the lead

It only seems like everything revolves around Emma & Hook because Hook is Emma's boyfriend. And everything revolves around Emma.

I agree that Hook needs more story lines without Emma - his story yesterday was actually kind of interesting. I completely disagree that Emma can or should fly solo. The character is the least interesting on the show. And now that the show has given this character literally everything she's ever wanted in her entire

Awesome……all of this is awesome!

Exactly! Thank you!

Ooooh ok. I didn't get that. I guess I never determined that Emma had a tough time letting go. That's been her MO since episode 1. Love 'em & leave 'em, she doesn't need anyone or anything, she can do things all by herself, etc., etc.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they mentioned doing this to honor their 100th episode. Guess they just decided on a whim, cause ya know that's how they do things now, to keep some of them around.

Sorry to be a blockhead, but what character development for Emma? Did I miss something? And how would Hook returning negate said character development? Sorry for all of the questions. I guess I missed something in the episode.

Could still be Hook's funeral, something ceremonial - like a memorial service. Emma was sobbing in the trailer for next week. Save Henry & her parents there isn't anyone else she'd cry like that for.

This is rad! Thanks!

Agreed! Especially as this would be the second predictable thing in one season. First they made Emma the "dark one". Now, let's bring Killian back from the dead. Again.

"Which is why this episode’s flashback to pre-Storybrooke Emma was so helpful. We see how she tangentially learned how to trust, but also why she was so guarded when she first met Henry in the first place. It was a lot to go from having no one to having this gaggle of onlookers that surrounds her every move, but, as

"Which is why this episode’s flashback to pre-Storybrooke Emma was so helpful. We see how she tangentially learned how to trust, but also why she was so guarded when she first met Henry in the first place. It was a lot to go from having no one to having this gaggle of onlookers that surrounds her every move, but, as

With some characters, they don't know how to do accountability in any type of story, in any way, shape or form. Some characters get away with absolutely everything, with naught a repercussion in sight.

Weird with that being a CGI with David/James. I actually figured all the scenes were most likely his double. A real dude. Also, thought James hatred of David, such consuming rage that James sought revenge on David, was contrived. I mean, have these two ever even previously met? Like David said to James at one point,

Great re-cap! I'm wondering if anyone else though is thinking about "storylines to make Zelena so likeable". Is the overall goal of the show to turn as many villains into good guys as possible? Cause Zelena's a great villain!