
Agree! I was surprised (not sure why, at this point with this show) that she got to move on to heaven. They teased us with the flames & then no, on to heaven she went. Seriously??!! Even some of her deeds in the Underworld were terrible & she does one good thing, a big one I get that, but still one good thing & off to

"(And despite her final transformation, her ascent into the heavens still is a bit of a stretch.)" Completely agree! This was a joke. When did the show establish that "moving on" was restricted to souls going to heaven? If anyone in the Underworld deserved to head to hell it was Cora.

Thank you for this!

I like the points you made, but I've always been curious why folks who stopped watching the show, especially "long ago" continue to read the articles & post comments. No disrespect meant, just curious.

On a less serious note, where the hell did Zelena have that phonograph needle?? And she brought it with her from Oz, to Storybrooke & then into the Underworld. It's not like she had a purse with her.

Just a quick thought. So when at the end of this season, or the beginning of season 6, when they all return to Storybrooke are we going to have to deal with the entirety of the Camelot cast? Again? When they departed for the Underworld, Arthur was in jail & everyone else was just sort of milling around. Aargh.

Good point! To build on that, why didn't they simply wait out the "storm". Emma knew it wasn't a real storm & would only last a few moments. Had to give her something "important" to do in the episode. (sigh)

You're so right! Moreover, the show has opted to make the ladies (Regina & Emma) so magically powerful, they don't really need good or effective fighters anymore. They don't really need anyone - no swords, hooks or bows. From the standpoint of fighting the baddies in concerned, everyone besides Regina & Emma have been

Well, let's hope so. I doubt there's another man out there that could pander to her as completely as Hook does.

Still not loving the show, but it's a lovely reprieve when an episode features Carlyle!

I don't think she's bringing Mulan with her to the Underworld. At least the previews only showed them together in Oz. All in flashbacks I'm thinking. And considering she was delivered to the Underworld via cyclone, I'm thinking she's still alive.

Emma: "It worked in my dream." No, it didn't. You never got that far before the storm started. I'm not even mad. Just disappointed

Thanks for the info, but that seems like a terrible waste of time.

Me too! I loved the bit about her birthday! Very sweet, yet purely evil the way he gleaned that information. Loved it! I'm curious about his timing though, "saving" the baby from the others, and he admitted that he didn't even know that she was there in Storybrooke, didn't he?

Abuse? I don't get this. What do you mean? What Rumple said last night, and it only took him 4 years to bring it up, was right on. When she fell in love with him, she fell in love with both guys - the Dark One & the man. I never really understood all of her complaining over the years, never really made sense.

It was hilarious though, as he's supposed to know the woods inside & out, that when he went to go get his daughter, his stellar tracking abilities had them in the middle of the woods. But Belle was standing in the library at the time. But then - oh! - there's Belle with the baby, standing by a tree. Alone. In the

Please tell me there's no upcoming Dorothy back-story, explaining in depth why she returned to Oz.

Agree with nearly your entire assessment! Save the last bit. I didn't see Killian forgive Emma for turning him into the Dark One. I never even saw her apologize. Unless you're referring to the fact that he made the decision to go back with her? Maybe. Now that neither of them are Dark Ones anymore, the show shining on

Agree with much of this………I like Liam. I always liked the dynamic between the brothers. But much of last night's episode was - what? Weird? Silly? I can't decide. I get that there are different reasons and different levels or degrees of "bad deeds" that would land a soul in the Underworld. And souls have to complete

Well stated! I don't care so much who's a couple, but I just wish they'd go back to being an ensemble show. Forget about CS, it seems that EVERYTHING is centered around Emma. Sad. She's far, far from the most interesting character on the show.