
Don't be so sure. It seems that since Season 5 started, they've forgotten much of the story they created.

Agree with everything you said! I also thought it was not only strange that Emma told Milah before Rumple, but that Emma experienced any feeling of kinship with Milah in any capacity. Considering her incredibly, near unbelievable deep rooted & dibilitating sense of abandonment, I was surprised she "embraced" Milah the

Robert Carlyle is a rock star!

Strangely, I like when she shows up. But I agree with your assessment. Her complete & utter unhappiness makes her abusive. And it's strange & interesting that her knee jerk reaction to nearly every situation is anger and/or violence. She was so crazy miserable.

I think the opposite for the first half of season 5. It was so monumentally disappointing, the quality so far lacking, attention to story details temporarily (I hope) non-existent. I actually thought the first half of this season was their worst yet. Also agree with Overthinker's comment that the potential for Emma's

Thanks! All of what you're saying makes sense. But I remember the little group, before heading to the Underworld, worried about this aspect of things. They made a point of specifically discussing it. Ah well, I'm maybe overthinking things.

And Hook. That explains their plan, with Emma sharing the heart, I guess. But still, they know the rules. They even talked about it before they left. So the question stands: now that they've helped three souls go up, what are they going to do?

The ending, when Hades gave Hook the chisel & the tombstones appeared? Do we think the gang, when they decided they could help folks move on from the Underworld, forgot that it was one out, one in? A soul for a soul. Wasn't that point of Emma sharing her heart with Killian? She would use that as a loop hole for this

Who knows? Maybe they learned their lesson from the first half of the season? Too many characters leaves zero time to devote to the main cast. Germann is rad as Hades!

Also, I'm not sure even they fully know who's down there, for saving or otherwise. Regina was fairly surprised to see her Mother and then her Father. And while Snow wasn't surprised to find it was James that had kissed her, I certainly don't think she anticipated it. I think Rumple did say there's be alot of folks

I always liked Neal too, but not as a romantic interest for Emma. (He's a funny character!) I think if they truly worked well together he may, at some point in time at least, tried to find her. Even if he didn't approach her at first. But he didn't. He found Tamara & asked her to marry him.

this is awesome!

They lied about that wall with the timeline. Otherwise they would've known that the "original Dark One" would need to be older then Rumple.

Because they're just making stuff up on a writer's whim now, there are an infinite number of flashbacks, yeah? They could always through in a twist that, while it doesn't go with the story TPTB have already established, could open the door for many, many flashbacks.

It may have been pointless to have Emma choose between Hook & Neal, as it's been well established that Hook is Emma's "true love". No choice really. I agree that Neal's visit wasn't pointless, but why waste Neal's visit with Emma? I thought it would've been more interesting to see him visit with his father.

Yeah ok, that got serious fast. Your opinions are thoughtful and thought provoking, but I still only agree with some of it - occasional crappy writing & bad acting, character & story inconsistencies and recycling/borrowing stortlines. And I still think maybe I'm not watching the same show as yourself.

Haha! I agree with a little of what you say, but "now it's the Captain Hook and Robin Hood show"? I don't think I'm watching the same show as you. These two characters, along with the parents - Prince Charming & Snow White - have been reduced to window dressing. At best.

Oh I don't know, Emma seemed pretty in love with Neal in the flashbacks they showed of the two of them. I think, rightly, that she doesn't care too much for him in any of the present day scenes they aired because it had been 10+ years & she wasn't in love with him anymore. And the way her character is written, why

This is awesome - thank you! Still laughing….

"This stubbornness does not become Emma." While I agree with most of what you said above, I can't agree with this observation. I don't hide the fact that I dislike the Emma character so strongly it's starting to influence my opinion of all of the characters & the show as a whole. But the writers have been writing Emma