
Agreed - Emma continually makes the same mistakes over & over & over again. She always acts before thinking and it always comes back around to bite everyone on the ass. This scene was no exception. Even under duress, take a beat, breathe & mentally question why your son is asking for Excaliber in the first place.

Per usual, you're hilarious! But I suspect any photos the man has of the showrunners are no more explicit than the photos that Robin Hood, Emma, Snow, Charming or anyone else has in their possession. You just hate Hook.

Thank all of the gods in the universe that didn't happen!! I don't think anyone awake & watching this show could handle one more moment of Hook chasing Emma. It's horrible enough that the writers keep recycling the same storylines over & over (Gold if you don't help me I'll tell Belle what you're up to, and I can save

This is a great idea for Rumple, and it definitely would've worked. But the show wasted so much time in episodes on secondary characters that they didn't allow any time for cool stuff, like your idea for Rumple.

I figure this is all a coma induced dream of Rumple's. None of this is really happening, and he' still unconscious on the daybed. Haha!

"Especially since Emma has just saved them all from the Underworld," - Actually no, this in wrong; Hook saved them all.

Although, Hook's view gets wildly narrow when he's angry or enraged. Huh. I guess time will tell.

Nah, Hook is at his best when he's at his worst! He may have had more hot air & empty swagger when he was being good, playing with the heroes. But when he's bad that cat's totally comfortable & in his element. The bravado is real & he can back up the talk with action. I changed my mind - Hook's up to something!

This is awesome! "Ren-Fair Escapee", hilarious - thanks! And I pretty have to agree with you with your assessment. Although I did like some of the sweaters base-Emma sported, her black leather is pretty cool.

Agreed. And you're probably totally right about all of it - especially the writing.

Why didn't Hook kill him, do you think then, when he had the chance? I understand his immediate objective was to get his blood to open the portal. But as you rightly pointed out, Hook's hated him for centuries. Hook had Rumple on the ropes a couple of times, he could have easily killed him & didn't. Plus, a 400-year

I'm wondering why Hook left Excaliber on his ship after his sword flight with Rumple. Hook didn't kill him, and Rumple didn't kill Hook, though both seemed to have the opportunity. I guess it's possible these two are working together. To what end I don't know. But it's still a little curious about leaving behind

I think her wardrobe as the Dark One is fairly kick-ass, but that's the only thing we agree on, wardrobe-wise. Her hair looks like it's been coated with white clay/mud. Someone schooled me yesterday & told me there were white feathers in her hair. (Believe me, I understand the concept behind "Dark Swan". I just happen

Nope, he told Emma when they were going to get the ember from Nimue that the only thing (person) that was capable of killing him was the Dark One. He even mentioned that their trip could only have 1 of 2 possible outcomes; they're successful & both return with the ember or Emma could kill him. Merlin never mentioned

Right on - good points. I'll give it another pass. I think I'm pretty well set on my opinion though, but definitely some interesting stuff to mull over.

This is fantastic!. I think we're on the same page, but with different characters. The way you see Hook is the way I see Emma.
1) While I agree with you about the friendship regarding Regina & Emma being an interesting arc & an important part of the story I earnestly disagree with you about their friendship being the

True, Excaliber is significant as it was forged from the Holy Grail. Merlin & Nimue got their magic & immortality from the Holy Grail. If I understood the events correctly, Nimue became the original Dark One after she crushed that man's heart & killed him for revenge. (I can't remember his name, but it's where she got

I'll probably burn for this, but all I could think last night every time Emma was on screen was "what an a$$".

Agree with all of this. I never really understood how Zelena was even able to create a spell strong enough to tether "the greatest sorcerer of all time" to Excaliber in the first place. And apparently, this tethering turned Merlin in to a Dark One. Again, where did Zelena get this kind of power??!! (Do I have this

Dark Hook may indeed may have been underwhelming, but how could you tell? I mean, how could you tell he was underwhelming next to Emma's Dark One? Emma's Dark One has been so horrendous since the premiere pretty much anyone else as another Dark One can only help the cause.