
While you're subtle about it, I sense you dislike Hook. (Haha!) I'm actually a fan. Well, at least I was until about 1/2 way through season 4. On or about that point in season 4 and up until last night the only purpose Hook seemed to serve was being Emma's boyfriend. (At the risk of pissing people off, much like

Haha! So true! Who would have guessed that the darkest aspect of the heavily promoted "Dark Swan" would be her wardrobe?

Just watching to the mid-season finale. I've clocked in every week. I've earned it. After that though, wow, I'm done. Once Upon a Time used to be one of my favorite shows, but now it's one of the worst. I can't wait for the finale just for the misery to finally end.

They're throwing limp spaghetti at a wall. Whatever sticks, that's what they go with. Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not anymore.

Agreed wholeheartedly! But be annoyed with the right entity - the writers are completely screwing with us this season. Their story & character inconsistencies are embarrassing.

He actually said in an earlier episode, I think when he & Emma went to see Nimue, that the only person capable of killing him is in fact a Dark One.

yup that's it - thank you! I forgot about Rumple inflicting his foot injury prior to becoming the Dark One.

Another thing, about the "Birth" episode, not so much the article: I love Zelena. Seriously, that broad is hilarious! (When in labor, someone asked how this happened. She replied with something like: Don't ever eat onion rings the Dark One gives you. Hilarious!)


I replied to a similar comment above. What Emma did was a huge betrayal to Hook. First, while bleeding to death he pleaded with her NOT to do it. He pleaded with her on his deathbed. Second, she made a conscious choice to turn him in to the thing he hates the most, in the entire world, across realms & time. (All of

This is awesome! That is all.

I disagree; his level of anger is completely warranted. He pleaded with her while dying, even listing reasons, why he didn't want her to do it. But if this show has demonstrated nothing else, Emma does what Emma wants, regardless of what anyone else wants.

But something I've been wondering. Did Hook actually die before he was tethered to Excaliber? If yes, then once the darkness is taken out, won't he be dead again?

I think the show just made this part up. Seriously. In "Nimue" Excaliber was enchanted to tether Merlin to the sword so Arthur could command him. It wasn't until the last few minutes of "Birth" where it was revealed, I think from Regina, that tethering Hook to Excaliber would save his life but also turn him in to a


Oh great, just when I thought "Birth" gave me a reason to continue watching this limping show. Ugh.

Not terribly interested in them as a couple, but Emma's portrayal as the Dark One needs all the help she can get. When she speaks, she looks & sounds like she trying to talk with a mouthful of water. And her facial expressions are flat. She should have never been made into the Dark One in the first place - an

Actually, you're probably dead right about that - this is the most interesting Emma's been since season 1. But that's not what I was talking about.

You're right I know. I guess I hate that she had to "set him up" to hang out with him. It stinks to think that she's using Henry in any way, that she has used him. The Heart of the Truest Believer hurt by the one he believed in the most.

Oh and one last thing: If this character is Emma using the Dark One's power for good then I would definitely be done with this show. I am really not very jazzed about Emma as the Dark One. Not a very good character so far. And not so much in the personality department.