
Those are good points, thanks! But I counter with the Dark One not truly being nice to Henry in a way that comes from love. To the contrary, it seems as though she's sweetly manipulating him. And while Regina may have speculated that the Dark One let the horse go in the first place, the look on the Dark One's face was

Yeah, all of that sounds about right. But she's been planning her punishment. We know that & after finding the cave under her house, all of her Storybrooke people know something is coming too. So, there's that, she definitely is planning something. Good or bad? I say not good. As I said before, why be so weird, bad,

Oh man, I hope you're right about Emma because I don't get that at all. Oh, I really hope you're right! What would her reason be for causing confusion? And why keep up the pretense when she's completely alone? The voices in her head can't "actually" hurt her or undermine her plan. So why be all evilly when she's

Rumple's skin turned more of a gold color. Or was that just flecks of gold from his spinning covering his green skin? And Emma's really only fought the Darkness for 5-6 weeks, give or take. I think maybe it's because, well, isn't she the first one who already had magic going in to it? Also, she's the Saviour too;

I don't think I watched the same show you did. You used some powerful, positive adjectives in the re-cap - none of which I felt or saw on the smallest scale. I agree that the show has set a high mark for themselves. But this season has yet to meet or surpass that early mark. Moreover, I think Morrison's performance as