Humoresque is brilliant. It's kind of amazing a movie like that got made in any era in Hollywood. Madonna cribs the ending for one of her videos, if I recall rightly.
Humoresque is brilliant. It's kind of amazing a movie like that got made in any era in Hollywood. Madonna cribs the ending for one of her videos, if I recall rightly.
Sudden Fear is one of those "so bad it's great" flicks. That the noir turns on the coincidence that both leading ladies will happen to choose the same outfit that evening is just delicious. As are Crawford's utterly INSANE reactions to hearing the murder plot on the world's largest record player…which skips and goes…
I'm sure I'm in the minority, and I appreciate the HBO version for it's realism, acting, and direction, but man is that miniseries boring. It plays like it's taking the entirety of the damned Depression to get through. I vastly prefer the Crawford variant. It crackles with energy and vitality and you're never bored.
The elevator scene, where Shosh and Elijah MATCH the ridonk elevator in white with video screen at back was genius commentary on the natural conclusion to the ongoing, ridiculous, Apple/IKEA style.
So, we're just going to skip over the amazing conspiracy scenes? Seriously, that shit rocked. I'm loving Daddy Mao.
The scene through the thrift shop window, where Marnie goes from jealous annoyance to eager lust back to anger and annoyance "too public," was fucking genius.
The nurse's delivery of the line "you're a professional surfer" is EVERYTHING.
As if Barry's the top in that relationship.
To be fair, it seems as if she's stepping down the hot meter towards the nice, nerdy guy place. 'Cause Ronnie and Jay were smoking hot.
I'm pretty sure Caitlin got involved with the charisma-free Zolomon was cock. Teddy Sears is sex on wheels.
For the musical episode, she'll sing "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from Les Miz.
"I am the rejected Transformer! I am a Go-BOT!"
Perhaps her whole problem is that she can't let it go.
I'm pretty sure all the Wests, the Wells and the Snows want to fuck the shit out of Iris. I'm gay and I'd fuck her.
I think the trick is to accept the conscious "television reality" as part of the series. It's like Starship Troopers. If you resist the obvious artifice then the point (and the magic power) of that movie is lost.
I think the larger problem is a lack of understanding of their audience. I think the powers that be are worried that if it gets too serialized and too dense, then they'll lose casual viewers, which is a sound point. On the other hand, they're catering to comic book superhero fans, who really WANT that serial density…
Agreed. It was the tone of it. The didn't even take a second to stop and feel the pain. It's like saying "I learned a lot from Hitler about effective military strikes" without taking the moment to note that "it's a pity all those millions of people died, though." It's the same thing here. It could have been relatively…
This. For the win.
Barry: "Maybe I should go back in time and fix this!"
Perhaps they're counting on one of Vibe's new, magic powers. "I control the gorillas now, Barry."