Wanna bet that next week's two-part will feature a game of Hot Potato using the cross necklace and the entire cast?
Wanna bet that next week's two-part will feature a game of Hot Potato using the cross necklace and the entire cast?
Fun fact, Lash! Killing Hive saves Daisy by DEFAULT. Schmuck.
Talbot's superpower is apparently growing the world's most insane eyebrows.
To be fair, now that we've seen a little glimpse of said magical wang, I'm sure it could turn anyone anything.
Well, Hollywood the TOWN is ultra-liberal, but Hollywood THE BUSINESS is in the business of making the most money for the least spend possible. Ergo, heteronormativity.
So…that tower looked less than joyful.
Sloth love Pycelle!
Cercei's "I wanna know if people are even thinking about thinking bad thoughts about me" speech was a wee bit too Cobra commander for my tastes
"Why won't he blind and beat ME up? So unfair."
I know, right? You bitch about TV…sober? That's a thing?
See Black Book. She's utterly brilliant and beyond beautiful in it.
"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!"
Seriously. Kit, you have ONE talent beyond constipation face, and that's being hot.
She's the Amanda Woodward of Westeros
If the actual Christina was like the movie's version, I suspect that most of Joan's friends were glad to help her beat the little shit to a pulp.
Hey! I just posted upstream about the Madonna/Crawford connection.
…and before I get hounded, say what you want. Madonna can't sing. Crawford couldn't act. It doesn't make them less iconic in the slightest.
That, of course, was the point. Madonna and Joan weren't/aren't all that talented in the traditional sense of being able to sing or act. They were and are determined people plugged into the pulse of what's in the zeitgeist and frequently inserted themselves into that conversation, with iconic results.
I blame Obama.
God, I couldn't wait for Faye Dunaway to beat the living tar out of the actress playing young Christina.