Sam, who has an IQ of 6 is teaching your kids!
Sam, who has an IQ of 6 is teaching your kids!
Did they have writers on Glee? It sometimes didn't feel as if they did.
Rachel going to NYC should have been its own new show, or at least an Agent Carter chunk of Glee's season order. Her leaving and the others staying (aside from being a true life experience to play) would have been the "life sometimes doesn't give you what you want, let's sing" driver of the Lima show.
I think he'd have ODed if he couldn't control his addiction either way, but Hollywood money probably helped fuel the fire.
I kind of thought he'd be like David Boreanaz, inexplicably consistently employed.
Why wouldn't they both be Tony winners? He was nominated for Spring Awakening, and both were noms for Drama Desks for SA, and that's pre-Glee.
Agreed; the uplifting message of Glee 1.0 was that life can suck and that you WONT get what you want always, so sing your heart out and find the joy.
I believe Dianna kvetched about her character being inconsistently written (tru story, sister,) and the insane work schedule, and so Murphy basically shat all over Quinn until she was written out of the show.
Oh, and massive, MASSIVE props to Lea and Chris for the first hour. After…say…three seasons of basically losing the very characters that made them famous, they both brought their A game and ACTED. I had nearly forgotten that Lea Michele COULD act, she's been playing a version of herself for so damn long. (It's the…
The two hours pretty much encapsulated Glee in a nutshell: the first half brought us back to that tart, musical Heathers that held so much electric promise, while the last half was a treacly, soppy mess, way too into it's own awesomeness.
To be fair, Naya and Dianna allegedly pissed off Ryan Murphy (the dude who made them famous,) so really, they fucked themselves.
Or, you know, starring.
How would you classify her status? "Appearing in a starring role?"
And, you know, the TV series she's starring in come September and all.
To be fair, Iris is poorly written. They need Becca Tobin from Glee! That woman can make crap smell great.
I'd put good money on Barry and Eddie entertaining a little hide the sausage on the set. That's a whole lotta gay face and voice.
Since they're filmed IN Vancouver, that shouldn't amaze you in the least.
I always thought Metropolis and Gotham were both New York City, representing two sides of the same coin: the ideal and the dark.
It's called "British Columbia."
The scene between Wells and Cisco was just masterful acting. It was almost hard to listen to the text of the script when the actors were playing the hell out of the subtext. Cisco totally playing the combination of betrayal and horror (at knowing that he's going to die right then,) and Wells with admiration, regret…