Captain Marvelous

Which is why the first 2 episodes are bullshit

Agreed. At least he's better when he shuts up and fights

I don't know how to use them

How do u spoiler tag?

I'm on episode 10 and Holy crap does it get better. It might be the 1st Marvel Netflix series that actually builds to a climax instead of fizzling out towards the end!

Yes sir Mr.Chaps

I'm currently on episode 10. I felt close to the way you did but it got better over time. It's not Shakespeare but it's not nearly as bad as it was in episodes 1-3

Well… shit.

And not having the worst hair in all of mankind

He didn't really. He and Simmons have gotten some basic training stuff so they can put up a fight against monks but he's still not a fighter.


He didn't even recognize them when he saw them all grown up at first. The idea they'd accept him so openly and easily when he came in knowing full well he looked awful was still silly. At least if he came in monk robes it could be explained away as clothes he considers normal now. Even a 10 year old would know to put

Better. For me it picked up in episode 3 and I'm halfway through episode 6 and actually enjoying it. Danny is annoying as shit and just as pompous as Flash or Daredevil so prepare yourself for that. I'd give it a C+ overall but episodes 5 and 6 I'd give a solid B

Because he's stupid. Get used to it

Nothing through episode 5 I'm afraid

Wait he doesn't fight a dragon? Cuz I'm expecting flashbacks to a dragon fight at some point.

*Shameless juvenile laughter at Fan Bingbing*

Episode 2 was the worst of the bunch imo. I had to fast forward through a lot of it. Episode 3 onwards though it gets better.

Like trying to light a bottle rocket with a grenade launcher wrong

When you're good at something never do it for free…