
Christina to Max, circa 2025 or so: "Max, it was so brave of you to strangle that prostitute, cut her up and put her in your freezer." Of course, she's speaking through one of those phones they have in prison and talking to Max through bulletproof plexiglass when she says it.

Regarding the Luncheonette sub plot, yeah, just when you think Christina can't be more awful, she raises the bar. Well played, Christina, well played. Not content to screw up her own family, she's branching out into destroying other peoples, too.
Still, closing the luncheonette makes more sense to me than Adam

I realize this may be beyond the pale here at AV club, but I have to say it: Fuck Max. Seriously, fuck that kid. I don't care if he has ass burgers, he's a selfish, obnoxious little asshole.

Not sure about the first point but I always thought Julia was the baby. Doesn't it go Adam, Sarah, Crosby, Julia?

What I still can't understand is why the whole Crosbie/Adam thing at the Luncheonette is so either/or? It's obvious that Crosbie still has the passion to run the studio and it's equally obvious that Adam does not. Instead of the options being either (a) close up shop and force Crosbie to go work for "the man" while

By the way, I'm a bit disappointed that the season ended without resolving one of the biggest loose threads this season.
I'm talking, of course, about CROSBIE'S MOTORCYCLE!
Remember a few episodes back when Zeek and Crosbie went up to Oregon to get a part for Zeek's car and Crosbie finally got Maurice from Northern

I noticed that too! Seems a tad…incestuous? Maybe a throwback to the 50's when Fred Flintstone smoked Winston Cigarettes on commercial breaks? I'll soon be expecting the Bravermans to sit around after dinner enjoying a nice bowl of Breye'rs (TM) Gelato!