
Anne Heche is dreadful.

Yes Jaime has been turned into a relatively passive character with little to do, and Claire is the boss of him, as my son might have said when he was little.

I loved the first half of season I so much I read every single book during the hiatus. Then they lost me in the second half of season I. Last night, I thought, partly out of curiosity, and partly out of hope, why not watch. I did. I was disappointed. Hope that helps make sense of it.

This is an AV Club forum, I have a right to say what I think about the show. In fact everyone here including you has a right to say what they think about the show, but not really to be small and rude. This is not OL Series on Facebook. That is probably where your comment belongs.

I just didn't like it. I only saw the first episode — maybe the reviewer has seen more. I am not a Frank fan, and have had trouble with the re-calibration of the story to emphasize the importance of the Frank and Claire relationship. I was totally creeped out by him (spoiler) burning her clothes. There wasn't much

Whom am I supposed to care about? Is maybe this show a guy thing?

It's address is still 30 Rockefeller Center, yes?

I agree in part and disagree in part. You are on the money, these men would have eaten in the kitchen if they were lucky, certainly not at the Lairds dining table. On the part about a possible future for Jamie, asked and answered. Murtagh suggested they leave Leoch and basically live rough. Jamie said he didn't see

I disagree. This episode was slow because a great deal of it was about a set of characters, the men of the Watch, who are unattractive, who shortly will disappear from our lives forever and good riddance, and whose insertion in the story serves to stop us in our tracks. I have read the books too, and rather loved the

Me too but the writing was really weak, which I think was some of what this reviewer objected to?

There is no sex in the book after the beating.

This was a hashtag for a month on twitter.

Alien Jesus I agree so wholeheartedly. OK concept but weak execution.