
Could resolve the guardian thing pretty easily. Jack defeats Aku, but is still stuck in the future. Now, he becomes a champion of justice, working to rid the world fully of Aku's influence, getting rid of all the villains Aku has brought over.

If you read the article about how facts aren't useful, I suggest you also take a look at this great one over at slatestarcodex: http://slatestarcodex.com/2…

Reading the review, it seems like Fallon is just on the AV Club's shitlist because one time he wasn't an asshole to a presidential candidate, so he can do no right.

I can't be the only one who agreed entirely with the dog thing, right?

They're not aiming for the Game of Thrones/Breaking Bad audience, they're aiming for the "has watched teen titans go for a few years" audience. Which isn't meant to be an insult either, because the storyboarding and the writing and voice work in the show has plenty of love and hard work poured into it.

When we see people come out of a bubble, they're usually confused and remembering the last thing that happened before being bubbled. Remember in Bismuth? As soon as she unbubbles, she jumps back, thinking she's about to be attacked by Rose Quartz. Garnet calls it a "stasis".

Not necessarily. For whatever reason, he's not able to breath inside lion's mane. Whatever the reason for that, it means that he has to hold his breath, and he's learned that humans like his dad can only hold their breath for so long, and he's half-human.

I have just GOT to point out that with everyone remarking about how great the art and particularly the background art in this episode was, the lead background design is done by…Steven Sugar, Rebecca Sugar's brother and the inspiration for Steven!

I'm not sure it was intentional, but Ricky Valez was the guy in the taco truck. He's a D-list actor and comedian who is best known for bit parts on the Nightly Show, so he's basically in the exact same position as Dev in his career.

Completely agree. That was one of the funniest cold opens the show has ever done, and the jokes really landed generally.

Is New York really that safe at night for guys? If Aziz was alone, would he really want to skip through the park and go down alleys without any fear of something bad happening?

Rebecca or Ian mentioned that it was Greg who pays for everything Steven has.

Couple of thoughts. First, it was great to hear Kate Micucci finally get a chance to sing. Seems long overdue, given how she's one half of Garfunkel and Oates. And…I'm pretty sure that the other half, Riki Lindhome, did the version of that party song during the montage. Could be wrong there.

Jerry is really a creature of circumstance more than anyone, as shown in a bunch of episodes, but most especially the improv tv episode.

How is Forrest any more narcissistic reviewing the experience of going to an orgy or eating 15 pancakes than say, someone reviewing a relatively unwatched comedy central dark comedy?