Dan Mitchell

What if he said all Irish should be exterminated, because they are subhuman, along with the Jews? Would that also move this guy beyond criticism, simply by virtue of that being "an opinion?"

You're *fascinating*. Tell us about your other dislikes. Actually, don't tell us about them, just list them, because just knowing what Oliviatremor from the Internet doesn't like is by itself just *fascinating*.

Like a lot of awful people, you don't even know what it is you're saying that shows you to be awful.

Ah, now I see. You're not merely a bit thick, you're an awful person.

A "callback" is a reference back to a joke told earlier in the routine. Your complaint was about her telling the same joke twice in the routine, but that's not what it was, even if you didn't like the joke itself. It might have been hacky, but it wasn't made any hackier by the callback.

To be fair, that was a callback, not a retread, though it was a callback of a well-worn joke.

Your lack of caring is *fascinating*.