The Biscuit

It's not the sole definition, but it's a pretty good one if you loathe your job as much as Daisy claims to. And it's been at least a year or two, hasn't it, since Daisy started with the disaffection. If there are external reasons that she hasn't left, such as a lack of other viable options, that's one thing, but no

I think it's offensive to discriminate against people for any reason having to do with their physical appearance, or any other inborn attribute, and I don't know how it's even possible to discriminate against fictional characters. You seem to be thinking that I consider some of the characters inferior to the others

Good points.

I've never understood how their loins produced any of their daughters. You have two blue-eyed parents who each have blue-eyed mothers and blue-eyed siblings who produced two dark brown-eyed daughters and one green-eyed one. Who between them have produced three blue-eyed children (and one of the brown-eyed daughters

I don't know, they spent a lot of time discussing Matthew during the season after his death, and even last season he came up more than once.

The Turks originated in northeast Asia and spread across the Eurasian steppe and ultimately to Anatolia, the larger, Asian part of Turkey. Genetically, a majority of Turks are of European descent—in the 80s the Turkish national gene pool was said to be three-quarters Indo-European. Pamuk had a Turkish name (meaning

Then why hasn't she left Downton?

Of course she would have to see her stepsons—Merton sees them, and she's stipulated that she won't be the cause of an estrangement between father and sons. Moreover, Larry is the heir, so he probably lives at the family estate and would at any rate be there sometimes. We have no reason to believe that the Merton clan

It made perfect sense to me that Isobel wouldn't want to spend the rest of her life being treated like dirt.

But remember, Rose wasn't so guileless when we first knew her, slipping out to visit a married man at his flat for the afternoon. She developed her skills back then.

YES! This is why I also do not, not, not want to see Carson and Mrs. Hughes get together!

Good eye, Tina!

I agree.

It's worth noting that we don't know that Cora didn't do anything for Mrs. Drew. Cora seems generally to treat people kindly and would have a sense of obligation to the family who cared for her grandchild, as well as a sense of noblesse oblige; it seems more than likely to me that she did do something.

I'll bet Sinderby will want Rose to convert. He asked Cora whether her mother never converted. Or considered converting, I can't remember which.

How so an American caricature?

"Anna, do not suggest that you and Bates take a few days off together. The fact that employers and coworkers expect your presence at Downton every day is the only reason you're still alive."

Yes, the invisible Madge. Since she can't be seen, she would confuse and frighten the shopkeeper from whom she was requesting the device.