
I don't have to watch next week's series finale to know that the only minutes of S4 that I will remember with any fondness are Job's take down of Leo.

Well, Chloe the waitress, who was raped by Damien Sanchez in "Meet the New Boss," wasn't a recurring co-star. And Chloe the waitress was in an episode that subverted a rape scenario, while the Maggie-Calvin scene lazily redacted Maggie to nothing more than plot device. And Chloe wasn't in an episode that used a

I cannot believe I'm writing about this in 2016 on the fuckin' internet, but into the fray go I to provide a differing opinion.

Nola vs Burton: Remember the moment when Burton took off his glasses? That was a frickin' awesome Banshee moment.

In seasons past, Maggie would have beat the crap out of him, then chopped Calvin's junk off and fed it to him. I miss those gender equal days of Banshee, I really do.

Isn't Nameless Waitress aka Chloe the actress Leslea Fisher?

Whelp, on the one hand, it was nice to see all the male characters finally start to set themselves and their manly bits to rights…but, on the other, nothing really happens…AGAIN. Other than a lovely emotional scene between Job and Hood, and strangely stilted ones between everyone else, that is. The "Good speech"

Carrie/Ana with a flamethrower = A+. The + is because 1) this scene was made of awesome, harkening back to S1-3 Banshee, and 2) it made me remember Carrie 'Curl Up and Dye' Fisher in the Blues Brothers.

SPOILERS ??? Dunno, but…
…I read on another site that the serial killer is more of a Natural Born Killers riff with characters who have yet to be introduced. No idea of the veracity of this info, but the person posting at the other site lifted it from casting news found elsewhere.

Y'know, Les, the moment I heard Greg Yutaines was leaving the show, I feared the worst for our beloved Banshee. If you consider "the worst" a lazy, grim, cliche- and torture pr0n-ridden, sexist FU to fans and Cinemax execs…which I do. Because, well, wow, no matter what Banshee threw at us, it was fast-paced, clever