Simon Moore

I think John Lloyd co-wrote episode 5 of the radio series, not the TV show.

…have no fears, we've got stories for years…

He was a good Lance Armstrong in The Program too.

Internet jokes in '91? I think the phrase you're looking for is 'massive cellphones attached to backpacks.'

I saw this in a double bill with Tr2n. True story.

This show is a lot less enjoyable when Rob and Sharon aren't getting on.

I know it's a bit, but it's a bad bit.

Loving that new thing you're doing where you misuse 'objectively,' guys. Not making my teeth grind *at all*.

I don't know First Band on the Moon that well, but from my memory of the singles they shaved off a lot of those quirky little edges that made Life so loveable, didn't they?

The first Cardigans album (at least in the UK), Life, closed out by that lounge version of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, is an underrated gem. They'd already completely overhauled their sound once to get to LoveFool.

Tetra- and Quad- and both fine, to be honest, but I can't shake the feeling that Quad- has become more prominent because marketeers think I'm too stupid to know what Tetra- means.

I dislike quadrilogy as much as the next sapient creature, and enjoy that Dowd has invented a movie to avoid its use.

So we're using 'mansplains' for a man explaining anything in any context now? Good to know.

And there was the comment I was looking for.

Tip top.

An absolutely haunting show, this one. I was fourteen or so when it first aired here in the UK, and whilst I had absolutely no idea what was going on half the time, it's stayed with me to this day.

That's no longer true. Catholics still can't succeed, but the debarment of monarchs with Catholic spouses was lifted by the 2013 Succession to the Crown Act.

Absolutely agree, the back seven have their moments (enjoyed the Nelson v. Murdiock episode for instance), but bar the Nobu fight there's nothing to match the sheer visceral excitement of the early episodes.

I get my meta-horror folkloric kicks from Candyman, cos that's how I roll.

Excellent piece of close reading right here. Terrific stuff.