A Big Stupid Baby

Fortunately no one ever makes similar jokes, especially on a platform that directs your attention to specific events and ideas, with only 140 characters. This policy will surely work as intended.

Well that's the point: the way it's worded, the actual intent becomes lost. Granted, some people would have said as much regardless, but in my experience this site's community would rather engage on social issues than minimize them.

It doesn't help that the issue is a bit abstract and certainly complex. The real shame is, though, that these fumbly headlines makes the intent of the work more confusing.

"Character redesigns highlight issues with female representation in media"

Yeah, I saw this same shit on Polygon and it was phrased even worse, implying that because they're chubbier they're no longer "sexualized". They changed the headline after some complaints, but holy shit.

Kung Pow 2: This Time, It's Fistula

Paper Towns was always a pretty middling novel. I guess I can't blame anyone for wanting to turn it into a film after The Fault in Our Stars, but it's clear they only wanted to capitalize on the success of a much better project.

In the commentary, Roiland mentions that the exchange between Rick and Morty admitting how improvised the TV spots were made the episode, because it lets the audience in on the joke. And he's right, it totally does. It wasn't the best joke in the episode by a mile, but it elevates everything.

The show's ability to turn a reasonable, middle-of-the-road opinion into a great joke speaks volumes of the talent involved.

Colbert not eating that rib makes me anxious, it's so close to falling off the bone.

"More cranky than funny" is honestly a good summary of his entire career. I mean, sometimes I can get in the mood for his material, but there are far more listenable and entertaining comics.

I loved that grin Obama got halfway through the question, that universal signal for "I want to fucking choke you."

The article seems to do a perfectly fine job of explaining the situation, maybe you could start there?

I can never get enough Johnson.

The only people worried about Trump getting the nomination are Republicans.

Man, he was younger than I am now when he made Invader Zim. That explains so much about his career. I guess I never realized how much that meant because I was so young.

That's a really huge oversimplification of the criticism I've seen. I personally never bought into the weird supernatural stuff as anything more than set dressing, but this second season still feels incredibly weak in comparison. If I had to point at a particular thing, it's that this season is incredibly lacking in

This show continues to be a drunk, rambling mess. I should hate it but I actually like it more than if it was merely disappointing.

The detailed account of the Yelp flame war was the most delightful thing. I didn't believe he was going to top it, then that Eminem interview happened. If he was in on it, he's got more comedy chops than I realized.

Mr. Meeseeks, I need a distraction from this cold, dead existence.