Showing my age

How is it that the first thing the time team did had a dramatic effect on one of the characters (no sister for Lucy) but nothing they have done since has been even a blip on the future's radar?

Yes. It's very funny and has a similar operation with people controlling the time jump from the future. The characters are also convincing.

You guys should check out the book To Say Nothing Of The Dog. It makes much better use of the "can't get close to him" problem.
It's an excellent book, and this show share many plot devices with it. But that hasn't made this an excellent show.

It's pretty good television. The episodes prior to this week have been fun, history-based drama with little risk to the characters and creative license with the way things probably happened. This week, however, was a bumbling mess. You knew all along Wyatt would screw up, and you knew all along that his wife wasn't

That's a clever theory, but I don't think the show is that clever.

I got ahead with good education, hard work, and the support of a single mom. Amazing how that happens.

Even I agree with 1,2, and 3, but 4 and 5 are wildly speculative. 5 also signals that you believe that single mothers always raise killers, and killers are always raised by single mothers.

Fed, you're misunderstanding the concept of privilege. There are white people living on the street, but it does not mean that individual white people are afforded benefits that other individuals do not have. A white homeless guy can walk down the street without women shifting their purses. Does that mean he's not

It's simple - either teach people when they're wrong, or be satisfied with their ignorance. If you don't like something, work to change it.

Two things. 1, it's DRIVEL. 2, you used the past tense to describe oppression and racism and systematic institutional racism, then you said it has [been] improving. If it is only improving, why did you describe it in the past tense?

The steps that came after the initial description were definitely wrong. There's no debate about that. However, the OP said her first apology should be ""You know, it was wrong to assume that these shooters were black.""

What makes you think the people you're in here yelling at are unsuccessful? Your first thought is that anyone who disagrees with Bell must be looking for handouts and living a life of jealousy because someone else is on TV.

I'm going to challenge one thing you said, because I think it might be worth discussing.

Lots of intelligent thoughts in here. I hope I can contribute.

NOBODY (not even Kayla) is going to comment that the makeup scene is a copy of the last scene in Dangerous Liaisons?? Viola pulled it off very well, but Glenn gets the tiebreaker because we actually knew about her insecurities before the moment. That said, Murder is an absolute mess.The over-the-top sex adds nothing