Robert Lloyd

Well, let's be honest - until they can do chores, babies are essentially another pet.

True Romaine


There's an absolutely wonderful unseen adventure somewhere with the Doctor and Romana II putting different wigs on K9, the bust of Morbius, and a Morphoton brain creature.

I'm now going to employ that at every opportunity.

"Though I was starting to wonder if the T.A.R.D.I.S. has a room for period wigs."

Y'all have seen "Incident at Loch Ness", yes?


(Wraps arms around AV Club, snuggles closer.)

We could do a game: "Hannibal Or Herzog?"

"April, when I look at you, I see reflected what God must feel for us: a cool contempt engendered by observation of the banality of human existence."

?!? The preacher is the only Billy Graham I know…

To be fair, a lot of movies are promoted as comedies that shouldn't be.

"Doctor Who" is overall awesome even when occasional periods or stories are unawesome.

TV at the movies is better than movies on TV. QUASH YOUR GUILT.

Please tell us more about your dad's massive hard-on.

Did they release that in theaters where you live? I only ever knew it as a TV show.

Hey - "Contact" is awesome, but you could do a lot worse than Disney's "Hercules".

I SINCERELY hope you have not spoken to them since.

1984. Billy Graham was involved… that's all I can tell you about the movie offhand.