
It's just that new Daario actor has zero charisma

errrm she's his wife, and it's their wedding night. definitely not rape

I read somewhere that kidnapped girls will get married to men in neighbouring countries.

how often are women in real life raped?
not as often as you think they are

so AV Club is actually a feminist paradise?

Threat of rape isn't omnipresent either. Unless you live in rural India ofc

On the other hand we live in a society that tries to define any sex as possible rape. Like a girl gets dumped by a guy so she decides that he raped her.

Dany wasn't raped, she was genuinely turned on by alpha male Drogo

No arguments, so you resort to shaming tactics

i saw that too it was a completely unnecessary scene

In other words, you made a false rape accusation. Congratulations

Are you for real? Saying rape is worse than murder? Murdered person is dead. Gone. Buried. While raped person just got fucked. Life goes on after the rape, after murder…. not so much.

I've read the book many times, Cersei definitely wants sex as much as Jaime in that moment. Absolutely no elements of rape in the books.

Bad trolling attempt

I agree with this article. Really unnessecary changes to the books. Oh and I have to add that made-up scene between Brienne and the Hound is completely pointless.