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    "His admittance of the ordeal basically confirms what I had assumed either way"… Was there not an easier way of saying that, you think?

    I immediately thought God Only Knows is played out in film and TV. I do freaking love that song tho

    Liv Tyler's Meg WAS seen in Episode #1 this season when she got carpet bombed. So technically she was still part of the cast but do you really expect to see her again? I'm confused..

    He is a fantastic director. You guys are crazy.

    Great video, av club! I'd LOVE to see alot more of these short-fprm docs out of you guys… Very interesting subject matter handled in an entertaining way.

    Damn. This dude does NOT care for OJ.

    BD Wong is more effective iin EVERY case!

    Soooo….. Was that Ray's login the "rat tail" dude used to log Elliot in to the "Silk Road"-like black market website? Because did anyone else notice his login was Dread Pirate Roberts??? In which case, the Tor site wasn't a "Silk Road"-like site, but WAS Silk Road if Ray was Dread Pirate Roberts. Which makes sense,

    How ignorant can one post be?… Pretty damned, apparently.

    Michael Keaton didn't win the Oscar for Birdman (although he was heavily favored to)… Eddie Redmayne won for The Theory of Everything. Error.

    Who's the cousin…? The one who's into crystals and shit and has a kid? Are they making a reference to another cartoon character or am I trying to read too much into this? I DON'T GET IT! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "…if they would have seen one of THEIR celebrities." Wtf is this dude talking about??? She's MY celebrity. You can't have her!

    When are you posting Part II?!?!?!

    I actually like Kubrick's version. I think Mason did some of his best work in that film, personally.

    *honing in. Not "homing in on Larry’s inability to escape dread." Honing in on his inability. Sorry.

    Two men just raped Stanley Kubrick.

    It's actually much simpler than any of that: this movie just sucks. Like, really, really sucks.