
Also, none of the clips of the new shows were funny.

Maybe we'd have more respect for modern multi-cam sitcoms if their writers / showrunners actually gave a shit about making a funny show?

And thus, legal content distribution takes another strike at itself.

Last I heard all the re-additions of deleted footage on the DVDs were done from SD tape, and later on either they didn't want to scan the extra original film or they lost it which is why the Blu-Ray releases don't have the extra scenes. But why would they have the film of the non-deleted scenes but not the deleted

Tonight's episode of Mulaney is supposedly the 7th episode produced and it's almost as bad as the pilot. Why have the critics forsaken us.

That was an absolutely hilarious moment.

I'm still a little upset about Coach returning, because Winston was killing it in the first few episodes of S3.

Even Ann and Mark had more on-screen chemistry and they were deliberately designed to be boring. And that episode where Leslie goes on trial for her relationship is so corny it hurts.

It will. Networks don't have the patience for bad sitcoms with low ratings anymore.

"Friends" had a better pilot.