
Because of "The Implication"?

You're the worst :(

We did get "Use your natural athleticism"…….. I mean, there has to be a better way to put it :/

X & Y mean nothing here but unknowns as you'd see in equations usually. They meant it as a placeholder of sorts, which people have tried to "solve for" many other characters (initials :P)

The voice only makes it worse, and the nonsense names are not funny enough to make me ignore that.

Now, aside from the ridiculousness of "quantum biofeedback specialist", from the way this thing is written it sounds like the person taking the order was just being friendly. Sure, maybe a little more friendly than the situation warrants, but wow, that's one hell of a reaction.

Yep, thought the exact thing. "Quantum biofeedback" doesn't sound like a thing, WTF is going on.

I'm rewatching the episodes and reading comments about it, and I read yours at the exact moment that the thing you described just happened. It freaked me out a bit :s

Man, Will Smith better be a great freakin Deadshot, because my standards have been raised by this show.

Finally, a non-cringe worthy response to someone speaking in technical terms. "English please" is one of the most annoying lines in tv/movies.

I wonder if I'll ever see a shapeshifter that doesn't also morph into the clothes of other people :/

They sure missed the chance to have Ronnie say "people have told me I look like Oliver Queen" when Iris asks why he looks familiar :D

Man, fuck this show for making me feel bad for freaking Pornstash:))

The episode was, indeed great, even if it had many things going on at once.
I got freaking chills when the Arrow sound cue came along :D Much geek.

So he got stubborn and the movie ended up with 2 mediocre scenes. The dreams/fears/whatever also seemed to drag on longer than needed.

I'm not entirely sure what to think here. He's talking about that farmhouse scene like it's carrying the movie…

"The lovingly recreated historical locations, the dense lore, and the entire third dimension have been given a temporary hiatus."

'I couldn't even say what "liberal" is'
'So you're saying you're not a liberal?'

I have to agree, this is pretty funny

Injustice is pretty good.