
Thought the finale was really good, just not sure I bought Romero turning his back on Norman with his gun facing him. But couldn't have asked for better scenes between Dylan and Norman. Watching them along with mother at the table was just heartbreaking.

I agree with most of this, but I do think Olivia truly on her own could have worked with good writing. But instead deciding to keep Olivia around Rowan and Jake is just stupid and lazy. My thinking is, if you're going to keep Olivia around a guy no matter what, why not keep her with the guy she actually has the

Obviously Olivia doing her thing is the most important thing that makes this show rock, but another factor I would say was the Olitz angle. If you notice once the abortion happened, Scandal stayed below the 2.0 mark. And because of the election results and the tease of an Olitz scene, I knew the premiere would have

I agree with you about what went wrong with the show, but I would say the ratings growth was more about the goodwill the show had built up and of course the binging helped tremendously.

The Scandal twitter account actually fawned over Jake's "strut". **Barf**

Olivia being dumbed down for Rowan and especially Jake has to be the most mind boggling thing about this show, which is saying something because there is alot of things about this show that makes you scratch your head. But seeing that regularly when she's on screen with them is just bizarre to watch.

I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty MEH. Just anytime I get too much Jake & Rowan plus dumbed down Olivia, i'm usually unhappy with the episode.

5.3 - 5.6 viewers and 1.5 - 1.6 demos. But with the way the show is going, not seeing how it's not going to fall under 5 million viewers & under 1.6 demos soon after.

This is why I don't get why Shonda would be so careless with Scandal. It's continued success was important. It's going to be real embarrassing if "The Catch" tanks.

Will never understand why Shonda Rhimes decided to wreck this once amazing show. This show has become so bad, I don't see how this doesn't hurt her brand. How could she decide to do these storylines? All that we're seeing is just bad!!!

Never understood this either. And still some are saying Olivia ends up with Jake. Like how exactly would that work?

I just hope that they don't show Olivia being jealous about Jake having a wife.

Loved this episode. Alot of storyline movement and I enjoyed seeing many of the characters getting some good scenes. It was also nice to get a break from Olivia and Jake being BFF. I was extremely glad that it was Fitz not Jake, Olivia was venting to. And that last scene of Fitz publicly claiming Olivia was just

I knew it was too good to be true for this show to have 3 good shows in a row.

I'm just not feeling her like I should in this role.

As expected, the show wasn't as good as last week's. Booo!

And then it was just excused away by all the other characters and then we got that shamelessly manipulative flashback scene of Jake sitting with James as he died. Just seems like the writers one minute want to make Jake edgy and manly, but then they wimp out and go overboard in making him sympathetic. You're just left

Something else I don't get about the writers from this show. Why do they ever bother having Jake do something douchey if they're never going to address it? It seems like every single bad thing he's done on this show, is never brought up again, so why show him doing it in the first place then? I just hate the fact

Surprised by how good this episode was. I actually enjoyed Olivia. I just hated the scene of her going in on Fitz about Abby. She spoke the truth, but you couldn't help but be distracted by the fact that she didn't say shit when Huck and Jake both choked her. Or would she had even said anything if it had been Mellie

Is there a more badly written lead character on TV than Olivia Pope
is right now on Scandal? I'm just astonished by how bad the writing is
for this character. Wasn't she at one time this growing TV icon? I was
surprised when I read Kerry and The Limited had partnered up and was
coming out with a clothing line