Chris Adams

That being said…I'll be very interested to see how their father died - and the impact/role that Jimmy had in his death. I feel there is far more there to their relationship and what's driving Chuck than we've gotten to so far.

Jimmy falsified those documents not to torment or hurt Chuck; he did it because he saw what HHM did to Kim and thought it was patently unfair. I'm sure there's part of Jimmy that's also getting revenge for HHM - and in particular, Chuck - spurning him in Season 1. When he saw what he thought was the damage it

Chuck's rant at the end of Season 1 "I've dedicated my life to [the practice of law]" seems pretty indicative to me that business is personal to Chuck.
The two characters really do exist in different worlds. Chuck is completely black and white, and living in the grey sends him into a near catatonic tailspin (as

There is no "personal" with Chuck. Business IS personal. His going after Jimmy from a business perspective isn't any different from Jimmy going after him personally.

Agreed 100%. Jimmy is faster on his feet than Chuck could, or would, ever be. The fact that he wrote up a demand letter on toilet paper in the bathroom as he watched spoliation taking place was amazing, and he deftly navigates some pretty thorny legal concepts both in BB and BCS.

I don't think there was anything sympathetic about what Jimmy did in that situation. I think there are plenty of things that Jimmy does that aren't sympathetic at all.

I'm sorry…but I have to completely disagree with your interpretation of what Jimmy did vs. what Chuck did.

Oof…you missed it completely Erik. Maybe it was the art scene that ticked you off, but…there was an actual explanation given as to why Louie backs Pamela into a doorway and coerces her into a kiss and celebrates…and it all goes back to his first kiss, which he laid out in detail in the final scene in the tub. He