
I really don't buy the writer's premise. Just because Sandler had a kerfuffle with bloggers and native american activists doesn't mean he's on a downward spiral. Year after year, he's made studios money. I haven't found him funny in years but, when I was 12, Billy Madison was the funniest movie I've ever seen. Now,

A lot of Infinite Jest-haters on this thread, so I figured I'd add my piece. I read IJ, footnotes and all, when I was 18 and consider it to be one of the greatest books I've ever read. Truly masterful and entertaining and I found it had plenty to say about life. Also, I couldn't stop turning the pages towards the end.

Oh well. For your enjoyment - here's a similar list of pros and cons - Charles Darwin deciding whether to marry: http://www.brainpickings.or…

Does anyone know where I can find that Harper's article? I'd like to see it.