
At this point, I think it depends on something else doing worse (I'm looking at you, Raising Hope). It still has a chance at getting renewed, but if it does, it just barely makes it. Multiple hiatuses aren't going to help.

She does the funny crying thing so well. Because she doesn't try to play up the tears in a comedic way. Showing genuine emotion while saying ridiculous lines is enough. She did it perfectly in her "puppy in a cup" scene and she did it perfectly here.

Schmidt: Everywhere you go…there ya are.
Nick: What?
Coach: Wut.
Nick: He looks like a little puppet. Like something some italian whittled.

Schmidt, Winston and Nick drunk in the backseat was a highlight for me. Nick getting defensive about wanting to go home when no one was arguing with him. Schmidt's delayed reaction to the slap. Winston giggling in the middle. lol It was all perfect.

I really enjoy when this show remembers to revisit character quirks from episodes past…like Nick comparing himself to Hemingway and Jess's compulsive way of sending messages:

I do agree about the shouting. Nick was doing it way too much in this episode. I did however, laugh out loud at his "OHHH MY GOD" when he picked up the last purse. I wasn't even OK with him throwing her things out the window, and I still laughed at that.

Schmidt running down the street like the T-1000 made my night.

I actually think it's the other way around: destroying Nick and Jess's relationship was supposed to be a blip in Schmidt's story. His arc is not done.

I actually think he's been goofy for quite awhile, way before this season started. The big change was from season 1 to season 2 where he became less controlled, and more comically grumpy than ACTUALLY grumpy. Since then he's been pretty a consistent character to me. I feel like Nick Miller's personality has been so

lol It was pretty obvious that he was experiencing some kind of placebo effect, but my point is that it was a funny and more believable way of getting him to stop and think about his actions.

Schmidt overdosing on Estrogen was a pretty genius way of getting him to snap out of his assholery at the end. At that point it would have been a bit eye-roll worthy if he came to his senses all on his own. Mind tricked, sensitive, pillow-clutching Schmidt made it work.

It's not like she's never been dumbed down before.