
Very nice. I'm surprised how light-hearted and basically fun they were compared to early King Crimson.

The phone though. No one noticed the smashed Blackberry on the asphalt between the two dead bodies?

but hey, free shipping

Can confirm

He did the same thing with Lincoln too.

I recommend reading his AMA and making up your own damned mind about him. Only if you care enough to read the comments on an AV Club article about him, that is.

it's all right if you love him, it's all right if you don't.

Maybe the writer was confused since they name-check T. Rex in 'You Better You Bet'.

I thought the maid meant he was feminine and he just misheard it. And I agree, the rideshare sketch seemed interminable. His dead eyes….

And a saber. And twelve vestal virgins smoking cigars, iirc.

So many great lines in this movie, and Carolyn Seymour was absolutely gorgeous. I can't think of another film that pulled off the transition from zany to dark so effectively. Really worth seeing.

Poser fight!

Thanks for posting this! It sounds great to me, although I'd have a hard time recognizing Arthur's voice if I heard it cold. Good to see one of my favorite bands getting some, uh… attention.

Truly an amazing riff, and more impressive to me is that he played it himself.

Whoa, that was Flo and Eddie?? I thought it was Mickey Finn…

There are lots of photos too. Nekkid Marilyn Monroe boobs…