Yes. Up vote for confirming I'm not the Only One in the Comments Wasteland, and for at least knowing enough about Trillium not to agree!
Yes. Up vote for confirming I'm not the Only One in the Comments Wasteland, and for at least knowing enough about Trillium not to agree!
No wait there is some decent stuff buried in there. If you haven't seen High Noon, what's wrong with you! Catch-22 , yes directed by Mike Nichols, is 90% masterpiece (it's the other 10% that makes it a Great Failure), you gotta see it to see what I mean. And Red Riding Trilogy… You will know halfway through the…
Ha. I am waiting 3 weeks to see this, the geeky hordes should be thinning out by then. I'm still bringing plastic wrap for the chairs, who knows where they'll have been….
OMG the 3 eyed raven is awe sum. Whose limbs do I have to sever to get one?
Ha - that was meant to be tongue in cheek. I sure hope not! Boring, if not Interminable, is never excusable.
I saw AA Dowds recommendation Gett at the Israeli film festival here in Chicago last month. The review is spot on… For the first hour and the last 10 minutes. But then there is a 40ish minute slog in between where all the points made about the hypocrisy and discrimination of the orthodox court are hammered into your…
Late to the party again, 4 days since last post, don't av club commenters ever come back 12 hours after initial posting? I'll be referring to this best of article and others for many months to come and dammit I'll comment if I want!
So what happens if you walk in the darned things? Pause Unpause Pause Unpause Pause…. Or does the garage door open and close?
Awesome. Sheldon gets Laid. Here's Why This Matters:
Consider it two people. I like my movies like I like my beer. Dark. Bitter. Clean finish. That's about all I can take the analogy I think…
Appreciate the response… I gotta get through Fargo and Man in High Castle, then I will indeed give it another shot!!
Peak TV? No Kiddin. As someone who so far still has a job and family… How am I supposed to get through Man in High Castle (halfway through), Jessica Jones, Fargo (halfway through), Manhattan, Leftovers (halfway through S1), Luthor, Strike Back (guilty pleasure, so sue me), Americans (just finishing S1)… AND get my…
Thanks Luthor. It's been ages since I've had my Cannabilistic Serial Killer fix. Hannibal and Walking Dead just doesn't do it for me anymore…
I must be the only one who thought Deathproof was amazing. Saw the extended edition with the long slow lap dance. Can't remember seeing any movie that made me feel both punched in the gut and so elated, when Kurt gets his due… I'd put this mid high on my list.
David O Russell. Flirting with Disaster and Three Kings made me sign up as a lifelong fan, no matter what the reviews…
I think the comments for this review will become so numerous they will eventually fall off the internet. Glad I got this one in early, that would hurt.
Has anyone noticed that Slate has been meeting if not beating AV Club coverage of Star Wars? Check out this article that touches on The Hidden Fortress connection…. And be sure to watch the clip from The Dam Busters finale, I was flabbergasted!
Nope. Sorry.
Ron Howard's Bland Confidence. Spot On.
I've been a big fan of NPH from Harold/Kumar to the award dance numbers. I could not watch Best Time Ever beyond 20 min into the first ep, he was just trying too hard, felt awkward. I'm still a fan though, time to watch Dr Horrible for the tootieth time…