
This must be a great year for TV if Daredevil, Bobs Burgers and South
Park are so far back…


I have the same rule for every movie… The less you know going in and the bigger screen it's on, the better your movie going experience. T2 would have been much more enjoyable if Arnie hadn't advertised all over he was a good guy terminator, the movie is structured so that shoulda been a surprise. I wouldn't use the

I plan to see this around the third week when the geeky hordes have hopefully thinned a bit. How will I even be able to squint in the direction of AV Club , or the goddamn whole Internet, during this time?

I liked that scene with the guy in the cornfield getting crop dusted… I'm sure that will become a classic.

So is it agreed the entirety of Fury Road counts as a scene?

Wow I had no idea Kaufman had a new movie out. Great Puppet Sex scenes are probably more frequent.

Yup, in the 70s I was probably 12 I saw this coming up on late nite tv in the TV guide (if any younger readers want to know what that was, I think the Smithsonian has a few copies) and thought how could this not be the most awesome thing in the world, asked for permission to stay up to watch it and got permission. I

I remember Man With One Red Shoe back in college when it was making the HBO rounds. To say it has been forgotten is probably a compliment. But I remember enjoying it, probably saw it twice. Can anyone provide a less dated opinion?

I reeeeaaallly wish AV Club did a better job with their search and tagging. Otherwise you wouldn't have to go to The Google to see other entries for Keaton… Like This. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

first time I ever saw Charlotte Rampling was in The Verdict… I don't think anyone could do a Tragic Figure better and OMG those eyes….

Everyone i know hated this movie. Glad I'm not insane (…for this reason)…

Seeing a release like this makes me appreciate my monthly Netflix investment more and more. Knowing they have a wide range of original programming, including something like this that I will never watch, makes me think of them more as a Network not a streaming service. Even the crap, I'm glad Netflix is out there

Yea, Callout for Meiville! This year I read his short story collection, and The Scar, one of those books that so successfully builds a world, the floating city, that you will be really sad to finish it

Ha - I think I blocked those out…

I read the book a few years ago, amazing in all possible ways. Only got halfway through the first episode of the mini series, all I could think of were all the things in the book left out, for example the slow buildup. It took maybe the first hundred pages (?) to even introduce Strange and layout the magic in York,

Additional Callout and support for Grossman's Magician trilogy. First book is best but the next books really do not suffer in quality, all are incredibly readable and imaginative. Amazing world building. Unfairly called 'Harry Potter for Adults', the author knows that could happen and the characters even reference

Moby Dick. Finally got to…

The only info I knew about the movie going in when I saw it opening weekend… Was the Time Magazine preview article, I still have it, that introduced many of the characters, locales, scenes.. They seemed to know it was gonna be big, and I ate it up. No real spoilers, not like the famous review first sentence spoiler

I'm old, so I remember seeing it opening… weekend. The theater was insanely full. We had to wait in line in the parking lot until the next show. I saw the movie 14 times that summer and you always had to come early because there was always a line and a chance you would get sold out of the show you wanted. This was