
Nice. Looks like fun per the TCMdb. Should not be surprised Cecil B DeMille was making cameos even at this date.

Learned about The Beautiful Bureaucrat by Helen Phillips from a couple other Best Of lists. Part Office, part Brazil, part… Well I am just partially through it but it's pretty amazing, I think a lot of readers here would love it. Check it out on Amazon or here… http://www.npr.org/2015/08/…

My Inner Geek just had a Seizure o Happiness…

Yes, thanks for the reminder, I saw that on TCM earlier this year, was better than I imagined it would be.

Ha that's going back a bit. I saw some of those on TCM. Edison is always goddamn first at everything…

Damn right I am, thank you for the correction!

Can't agree more on the screen size. Bigger is always Better. Or should it be… Size Matters.

Thanks for this explanation. My kids, 10 and 14, are REALLY INTO this game. Now I understand the replay value!

Showed Safety Last to my kids, 10 and 14, earlier in the year. They kept asking 'is that really him, not a stuntman', 'is he really doing that', 'is that a special effect', etc. And I noticed pretty much every scene prior was a building block to justify why he had to climb that building at the end.

Yea Classic Movie Review!

Raimi? Sold.

Yup. I think Lost Horizons is a Great Failure. That means… Especially for Capra fans… Worth watching just Once to see why.

"Least Essential?" I know this feature has been around AV Club since the beginning of time… But my Lizard brain is having trouble interpreting what this really means. If it's on a list it must be… Something. Is it the same as Worst?

Great! Can't wait to count those lens flares!

I saw those versions of lost horizon and metropolis on TCM as well. Didn't bother me. But to your point I have taken many film classes…. I do think those scenes pop you out of the story but then I pop right back in again with a little Film Scholar part of my brain watching as well happy they are trying to make

Yes! Saw this on big screen in college as part of film class. Damn disturbing, some scenes can not be unseen. Gotta commit to watching all the way through, but well worth it.

The AV Club taking up valuable Internet Space on Classic Movies should always be encouraged… With Comments… So here I am!

Nice comparison with Amacord! Author is onto something, movies from a child's POV tend to stick, in my memory anyhow, if well done. Think Hope and Glory. Think Billy Bathgate (book and movie). Think… Ok full geekery on display… This Island Earth, where the boy watches his parents fall into a pit and come back …

Yah you hit on it. This is really not a movie to watch alone. We watched as a family a few years back with Generally Grumpy Gramma, and everyone was in stitches, I think seeing her laugh, frequently, added to the overall community experience.

I've never heard of these strange things… War in the Stars? Brings up so many concerns about resource scarcity, climate change, and the Military Industrial Complex… But a Trek through the Stars? Sounds healthy, wholesome, invigorating and supportive of Clean Energy. Yes a Trek is where I shall put my future Star