
Haha I'm tuning out my loving non drunkard family a bit today to hang out with you guys! What's that say about me? The diaspora of anonymous AV club posters has all types!

I hope your girlfriend appreciates it! Or do what we do… Netflix on iPad, shut that world out around us!

Agreed on the commentariat! For comparison… Go to The Atlantic, very level headed pieces and smart coverage IMHO … Look at any comment section and there are countless commenters SCREAMING about Muslim Obama and liberuls takin down the country, and not very good response to them. So I just stick to the articles.

War on Turkey. Pretty one sided.

Wow dude, seriously, heart goes out to you. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by 25 like minded in laws who collectively blarf at trump. Can't imagine having parents in that camp. Hang in there. Most , or so I hope, of the anonymous diaspora that is the AV club poster community is behind you!

Dude. This movie is absolutely an indictment on the death of the trolley system. Well documented. Try smoking some subtext.

Whaaaa? Did you even take the the time to read the Tor.com article referenced? What is discussed here has nothing nothing to do with bakshi and his POV. There has been tons of critical analysis over the years on Roger Rabbit, welcome to it, do you not think a work like this deserves it? And a place like AV Club

Wow dude. Total misinterpretation. No one is out to get you or force you to change any of your deeply deeply entrenched views. Take your screen with this comment section, take a close look in the mirror, find the chip and get it off your shoulder.

If you are lucky enough to live in an area with many independent bookstores like I do, that is covered too. BN is a different beast now, different expectations.

Why is there no mention that the universally panned Yahoo Screen is running 5 classic episodes of MST3K with new intros from Joel, starting at 12 est today for Turkey Day 2015? I just stumbled upon this after watching Other Space, another nice reference here, and saw the promo. Does no one know about this? AV

Do not blame poor Barnes and Noble for their sophisticated modeling algorithms that tell them what consumers demand and how very specifically to optimize shelf space for moving product! They do not want to go the way of Borders and neither do I.

Yes he was a great actor! At least in context of all the actors on the soap opera the good ones stick out.

Agreed! Most 60s shows are mind numbingly built on the same template, watch 2 in a row it's like mad libs without filling in the blanks. Mission impossible comes to mind.

Broke up with you? NOT A GREAT PERSON.

Very simple solution. If someone double dips just wait 2 hours for the bacteria counts to stabilize. Make the double dipper keep the time. We'll wait.

Naah not so pathetic. Got rid of that nasty ex. Bettering yourself in school. Not living in Tea Party USA. And part of the intelligent anonymous diaspora that is the av club poster community.

Wow dude. Sad sad life you lead…

I didn't see anyone explicitly state there are plenty of Quay stuff on YouTube for the uninitiated. I recommend their music videos, and for a bit more ambition Leos Janacek.

How about for a Quay Brothers Collection?

Blu rays are so cheep these days. We are all on budgets but they have great streaming Blu Rays at Costco for $60 from Sony or Samsung. Black Friday probably cheaper. Some people have a personal vendetta against the format, but it's not going away and on my standard issue hdtv I can see a difference compared to