
As someone who sought out any animation festival in the 80s and 90s I have seen many of their works over time. Their stuff is often quite headache inducing in the best (?!) way and I agree the bigger the screen the better. I missed the Chicago showing , looks like Blu Ray for Me.

Quay pasa?

How could I never had heard of Other Space until the recommendation here. Just zooped off to watch the first episode, it's great! No wonder Yahoo Screen failed, I watched all of Community S6 on it, never a problem watching it on wifi via my iPad…. But I never heard of it until now! What lousy marketing! I can

Sorry zetes just saw your posting. Yes I should read a few comments in before thinking I am capable of original thought. Keeping this here as a call out to Svengoolie!!

Has there really been a Frankenstein movie worth watching since good ol Christopher Lee did Curse of Frankenstein? No surprise here.

What I really appreciated about the original was the slow reveal of what the monster actually was. Started as an attack by a few demonic snakes. As more attacks occurred we got a bigger and bigger picture. By the the we realized what the full picture was, the movie changed gears and it became a battle of wits…

Who was it that said… If cats ever figured out how to use the can opener…. As a species we'd be done for.

Damn lotta hate here quite deserved. Let me take you back to a time… Circa 1991 when Dilbert was focused on time travel and dinosaurs and good natured silliness. Adams soon discovered the goldmine of cubicle humor, specifically in an IT environment from his job in programming at Pacbell. This hit me and my

Naaah. I don't think so. Crow spit up and back in your general direction.

Noah is worth watching, he still has the Stewart machine behind him and a correspondent lineup only second to the Colbert Carrell days. Yeah he can be a bit too cutesy and 'silly me' about it… Per the posters here apparently the ladies like that. But he has an undeniable screen presence and I'm looking forward to

Some comics are better in small doses. Kristen Schaal is one of them. If you got your wish, you would take it back in a week. Special correspondent is fine by me… Like Hodgeman, always happy to see them. And see them again in a few weeks.

As a Chicago-ite familiar with the u of c campus and the area where it was, can't wait for the recreation of the White City itself. I bet it will be insanely historically accurate.

I saw a clip, rocky is framed with his student in what I swear is an exact steal of a shot with him and Burgess Merideth in the original. Could be imagining it. But this is the first rocky movie I want to see… Since Mister T.

I agree with your take on what the review sounded like.

I like your house.

I have six very small but important things to add to this posting but I have to get to my Man in the High Castle binge watch.

I am 2 episodes into Mithc… Enjoying its slow build plotting. We already had Amazon prime, my wife is pretty nuts on the 2 day shipping, so this is an awesome bonus for a sci fi nut like me.

Damn. How do I get over 100 upvotes?

I saw Waiting for MetaGodot in the Randolph and Wells Illegal Subway Theater. No you can't find it in The Reader and you aren't asked, you are chosen, don't ask how. You have to draw a door in a wall with a knife to get there. Eventually the Door opens and the Marquis usher opens it and let's you in. You pay with

Yeah dr smith abandoned Will in the shrinking robot to escape and lied to the family he was still in there. And in the last scene? Giggles, hahahas from the robot and will and smith retain their friendship. Ok, whatziizface, the action dude not part of the family, always says he wants to kill him. Now, I am