
Yeah? Long time reader, just started commenter. Your meta humor did go over my head. Or keypad. I am as guilty as writing sarcasm no one gets, or not understanding others, as anyone. I saw your commentary on Trumbo so as an obvious film lover or geek, you get benefit of doubt.

This episode absolutely devastated my 14 year old Geek In Training HUGE Doctor Who Fan daughter. When I say devastated… I really mean it. All of us jaded Posters who look at these things with the usual slight suspension of disbelief… Well my daughter, who read enough blogs to know this was coming but not how… Was

Just in case you aren't joking… Read my last paragraph again. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Started reading to my 14 year old Geek in Training daughter HitchHikers Guide for a bedtime story.

Gadzooks you're right. Not only that I now realize The Onion heritage of this site is quite well known, more than I realized (just scroll to the bottom of the main page duh).

Quickly scroll past this posting cuz it's….Lost in Space Memory Lane Time! My wife won't listen to me but luckily I have the Anonymous Diaspora that is the AV Club community, who I suppose don't have to either.

Leftist nonsense… Example please? And sorry, mocking a president or presidential candidate does not count…

I am a Fan of the Show per a prior posting. But yeah. The dancing… Is stupid.

Yeah and I'm from Chicago too. As is… This very site you are reading, Which used to be… Part of The Onion!!

Really? You would consider paying $99 just to watch this show? Dont think that is a valid criticism of any one show on any streaming service.

"Is this sci fi technically?"

So what this article is saying. Which I agree with. Is that Colbert is just Too Damn Awesome for Middle America.

I would prefer the flip side. "No damn cat and no damn cradle".

I love news headlines that are possibilities. He 'might'. Something 'may'. Imagine all the things that might happen. Tom Cruise might quit Scientology. I might watch an episode of the original series between now and 2030. And this… Might be News.

Has any character in any of the movies gone to the bathroom? What is toilet technology on Tatooine? How did that sand crawler dispose of Jawa waste? Did the restroom toilets on the Death Star have low flush settings? How many TYPES of toilets had to be installed in the Cantina to meet code? And did Darth Vadar

Luckily, technology has improved to handle this big screen issue. Just buy the new iPad pro, hold it about 8 inches from your head, and watch your movie of choice. Just like IMAX!!

I decided to follow the bottom link of your post, the wnd.com site , to see if you are right and Islam is taking over America. That article… Directly refers to THIS article as a source. http://columbiadailyherald….

Funny Games was a slow descent into madness. Made it easier to watch maybe but I still wanted to throw myself off a cliff. The murders in the basement In Cold Blood was really the focal point of the movie, and hit, my teenage self anyhow, with unimaginable and immediate horror. Pick your Poison!

My kids hate hate hate Bieber. I couldn't really give a whip. But… He actually did quite good for himself on James Corden, who said they are doing a part 2 with him next week, which never happens. And he sounded … Pretty good. Sorry haters this could be the start of a redemption. Better start hoping he pulls a

Yikes. Dude is 85. Imagery hurting brain. How about 'throwing money gleefully in air nattily dressed on TCM set'.