
OMG you are absolutely right , it really won't be the same without the 20th century fox intro music! Am I the only one who thought the music, that is, the extended part of the fanfare, was part of the Star Wars soundtrack? Nope, the extended fanfare was used in the 50s for 20th Century Foxs big widescreen Cinerama

I had no idea there was even such a thing as a Star Wars EU until I read this. No I'm not here to disparage the full fledged fannery and geekery going on here or even brag about my ignorance of it. But I have enjoyed Timothy Zahn sci fi in the past, and because of all the love here I plan to read Heir to the

Not so coincidentally! TCM regularly broadcasts certain Criterion Collection releases when the DVD comes out. And sometimes, Robert Osborne actually credits them!

I saw what I'm sure was a heavily edited version of this movie on late night tv in the 70s, I was no more than 15. The murder scene stamped something into my brain, that as an adult I don't think I can watch this movie again.

"It went on too long"?!

Ummm… I kinda liked the one with the evil Ted Turner wannabe.

Why is this News? Why did I click on the link to read this? And Why am I Commenting on it?

UPVOTES to every commenter that used the word 'Stretch'! Which this article is so much of one, my neck cramped.

Quick call out to awesome use of rotoscoping, Linklaters Waking Life. After a few minutes, technique was forgotten and I enjoyed a compelling movie.

Wow. I don't know what dimension you are writing from…. But I kinda wanna visit.

As I recall, Wizards got a lot of 'meh' reviews. Including me. Saw it when it came out in the theaters, a 13 year old Perfect Hit for target demographic. Lots of cool individual moments and frames. But I fell asleep for 20 minutes in the middle of it! Come on, no excuse for Boring. Also, I learned what

Lars Von Trier does Charlie Brown Christmas.

George Miller. ANYTHING.

Stanley Kubrick. Mall Cop 2.

One way to measure success of a movie is rewatchability. I really enjoyed Godzilla Breaking Bad in the theater. Let Them Fight. Rewatchability value? Meh.

People. It's a win win win win.

Wow. Really? I think you need to go to the doctor and get a pill to reduce your Taking Things Literally symptoms.

CT I can see your comment is sincere and I respect that and your POV about Trump, you are indeed not the only one in America who feels this way and it's cool you aren't afraid to show it, especially on a site whose readership, at least in my opinion and including me, does not share your POV to a large percentage. And

I would rather have Trump be President, Vice President and Speaker all at once - frightening isn't it - than let Carson within a mile of the White House. People don't remember but Carson was a marginalized candidate years ago I think in 2007 and has always been saying crazy crazy shit. Look it up. It is really

What I remember most about Race For Your Life when I saw it as a tween when it came out? That they recycled the same damn piece of animation over and over of Charlie Browns raft as they were paddling on the river with determined looks. Had to have used it at least 4 times.
Am I the only one who remembers that