
I just don't get where people get "lively" or "charismatic" from. My impression is that Finn is dull in every episode he's in. I like the purpose he serves on the show on paper, but when I actually watch him, he reminds me of the guy with the "Kick Me!" sign on his back. The one who bothers you despite being so nice

It's something that makes Finn similar to Alicia, who has the same monotonous kind of quality to her, but it works much better for her, mainly because Julianna Margulies can do so much with an understated facial expression. I don't know why it works for her but makes him just sort of dull, but it does. I'm willing to

Oh, no. If Alicia flip-flops on her decision to stay the hell away from Peter (other than as a business arrangement), I have other proper soaps I can watch instead.

Give it a try. The first three seasons move very fast. I started watching The Good Wife when it premiered but stopped in the middle of season 3 because I missed a few episodes and for some reason couldn't force myself to catch up. Eventually, I did catch up, and it only took me a couple of days to catch up. The 4th

Part of the reason why I like older shows like Bewitched, The Dick Van Dyke Show and I Love Lucy is because they have 30-something-episode seasons.

I guess I could see it as her mentoring an earlier version of herself. Mentoring someone good to protect them from becoming gray, like she has. Or (like someone else said) sort of taking care of him the way Will took care of her at the beginning by giving her a job. I could see that. But the only way that would work

See my post above your for why I don't think that's the case.

Alicia protecting/helping Finn… I see her doing it because that's what Will did (saved Finn). In a way, I see it as her way of getting closer to Will through Finn, rather than her being genuinely drawn to Finn. I see it as being similar to what Kalinda is doing by helping Diane. It's what Will would've done, so it's

The problem with his being Good Dude is that a romantic relationship between Good Dude and Alicia wouldn't work now. Alicia used to be the good wife, but she's not anymore. Just after Peter cheated, she was still the good wife in some ways. But now, she's just as gray as Peter, Will and Diane. She had her moral high

I don't know. When I look at Finn, I can't help seeing Niles from Frasier. It may be the way he carries himself. I hate saying this because it may sound sexist, but he carries himself in away that is sort of… I don't want to say effeminate, so let's say sensitive. Which may be why so many women are attracted to him.

waiting to see what kind of chemistry Julianna and Matthew Goode have

Alicia and Peter brought out the absolute worst in eachother. She made him possessive, overbearing, and selfish. He turned her into a self-righteous, opportunistic asshole. It was painful to watch these two people who have nothing in common use eachother for favors. Whenever I saw them together, I cringed (not really,