
Spice Girls edge lord, I like it

Flashpoint was surprisingly good, and G&M was great too. But everything else has been in a downhill spiral. I think they are leaning too much into the "grim an gritty" since Flashpoint though, and this new Batman film just feels like cheap pandering.

I'm pretty bitter they can't make anything decent… You kinda got there c+ reading comp

Does DC animation only target god awful demographics these days? Be nice to get something that isn't for ironic hipsters or bitter neck beards.

I dunno, Korea would never go for it

Hey cmon man, we need those copies for some "advanced interrogation techniques" over at Gitmo

Set the sequel in space.

You didn't carry the 2, moron.

I hope it's all meta and he's conning white people into letting him do things for them that other white people already do for them just as good if not better.

Ave Ventura is, and shall remain, greater then anything Rogen will ever do.

I don't agree with his whitewashing nightmarish crimes of the past policy, but I do agree with his dressing up like a character I recognize policy!

Koko is such an uncle tom. SMH

Kyle Maclachlan doing ok? Kinda sounds like this guy

Who was joking?

If only it had Dawes and some weird shoegaze nüsynth all female aboriginie scream folk. Imagine the vinyl sales!

Bucky just permanently crippled all those cops, he didn't kill them! And that guy he flung off the bike is only in a coma, kids feed themselves! Plus Cap said sometimes people die so it's totally cool.

Racism is so confusing. Shouldn't he be happy to show off his giant penis?

Your moral relitivism is pathetic

Am I supposed to root for them? Hey Super-Man, someone has been freeing slaves from the app farms, for the good of the nation we need you to return them! Oh, and can you crush a few dissidents in Hong Kong, wacky fuckers want a fair vote!

So it's the dog shit version of Top Ten?