
Everyone has implicit biases, including you and me.

Until the 60's people used the wing meat for soup and shit like that for this very reason. Until large scale chicken farming became practical and efficient most people didn't have access to enough wings to make an entire meal out of them.

I'm sure Detroiters could use the coverage.

Oh I know, but at work they're not an option.

Jesus, those autplay ads that can't be silenced or paused are fucking obnoxious AVCLUB. No faster way to ensure that someone doesn't read your articles than to have those on your site. And there's a typo in the second sentence of the second graf a good 15 hours after posting. Get your shit together!

That's the same fuckwit that gave Lateralus a 1.9. I never could figure out if the absurdist reviews were this guy's schtick or if he was a paranoid schizophrenic who happened to write for Pitchfork.

I listened to the album a few hours after the release, before I knew about the un-billed cameo (ZDLR). Needless to say my jaw hit the floor. That final verse is light years ahead of what Zach has done since he left Rage. Something about working with RTJ brings it out in him. I would happily pay to have an entire album

Yeah that sounds like a corporate retreat. The morning starting off with bonding exercises and forced group meditation before moving into afternoons of frustrated bitterness and mean-spirited spite.

Filth and Crime were such amazing novels. It's a terrible shame what a disaster Filth was. Here's hoping Crime won't completely suck. Ray Lennox would be a great character in a procedural crime show.

Well, it was obvious that Stanhope's "confession" was a joke. As to C.K., I have no idea. The whole story was pushed by Gawker, which is (was?) dogshit as far as journalism goes. So who knows? But I think it's safe to say it wasn't Stanhope.

No that was Louis C.K.

Emergency exits are not security features. They are designed to allow people to exit in the vent of an emergency. They functioned exactly as designed. The fact that some nutjob decided to sneak into a theater's back door is not their fault. Kids have been sneaking into the rear exits of theaters since theaters' have

This tragedy was in no way the fault of the theater. It was a bunch of greedy lawyers who convinced the more gullible of the victims' families to advance a hopeless lawsuit against Cinemark in hopes of a (further) payoff for the lawyers. They knew the lawsuit would go nowhere. It was nice of Cinemark to drop the legal

The last line of the Yeezus review infuriates me to no end. The very same guy that's been making dark hip hop for years gets snubbed while they claim that Yeezus "absolutely sounds like no one else." El-P's been doing it for years…

… there are 23 albums on the list. Just because the first one is labeled #18 doesn't mean there are only 18 albums on the list.

They say that Yeezy "sounds like absolutely nothing else" while ignoring the fucking guy that's been making this sound for a fucking decade. El-P could have produced Yeezy 5 years ago, while sniffing glue, in his sleep. I've listened to RTJ more than any other album this year. It's been on steady repeat.

How can you say with a straight face that Yeezy "sounds like absolutely nothing else?" Are you conveniently forgetting El-P, Trent Reznor, Death Grips, etc? This album wasn't groundbreaking in any sense of the word. I'm disappointed by you, A.V. Club. I can't help but think that someone got paid to make sure Yeezy was