Travis H

If DC/WB decides to make a Black Canary movie, Kill Bill should influences it as much as Heat influenced Dark Knight.

This doesn't really work anymore. ***OLD MAN RANT ALERT*****
There is so much info out about every movie before it ever hits theaters. Used to be you only saw movie trailers in the movie theater or on home release. Most people knew about new movies thanks to TV commercials. Now we all basically have made up our minds

I don't know, this movie is a great piece of fun horror camp. I'm glad you acknowledged Paul Reubans' death scene and how brilliant that was (even Swanson's double takes are great).
The title makes more sense for the movie then it does for the show - "Buffy" was/is a stereotypical rich, spoiled, bratty name and Buffy

The music can add and enrich the film, story, and characters. Sound design, as the video pointed out, can evoke powerful emotions from the audience.
From a branding perspective, Marvel has really dropped the ball by not insisting on unique and original scores. The beginning of the film showing people rattling off

I think the filmmakers purposely stayed away from DC movies so it didn't look like another DC vs Marvel thing.

Marvel has its challenges with stereotypes across the board, but this example isn't one of them. This struck me as a crime boss in hiding, playing to stereotypes by using her ethnicity and gender to blend in.

Hateful 8 is my favorite Sam Jackson performance and I think it's because Tarantino knows (or is willing to) direct Sam Jackson and not just let him be SAMUAL MOTHERF*CKIN JACKSON like so many other directors. To be fair to Jackson, I think 99% of the people hiring him want him to be SAMUAL MOTHERF*CKIN JACKSON and

Grease is the god-damn worst. I felt like a crazy person because of all the weird shit I picked up on in the songs back when I was kid that no one else seemed to hear. That line "Did she put up a fight?" and the way it's sung has always given me the creeps.

Will Harris - that's pretty funny as I am of the strong opinion that Darkseid is really boring without the New Gods. Morrison handled Darkseid well, but every other writer just uses him as "the biggest threat ever!" when he really hasn't accomplished much. DC's best villains win even when they lose - Joker, Luthor,

The lack of patrons at Grotto's funeral bothered me too, but I made up in my head that the neighborhood feared The Punisher would strike at the funeral and scared everyone off.
I felt the same about Karen and Matt's relationship, but knowing what Karen does (I hope she "does" because it was an amazing scene in the

Pee Wee Herman and Robocop vs ED-209 during the 1989 Oscars. No point in watching the Oscars after that - they peaked.

The Transformers ride was a blast. It's too bad they couldn't have kept the BTTF ride, but The Simpsons ride is a ton of fun.
The Mummy ride needs to go!

I'm a little confused about the military in TWD world. Doesn't this contradict the soldiers The Governer killed? I mean, how does one set of soldiers eliminate zombies in LA & set up a safe zone while another group of soldiers has no clue what's going on months after the outbreak?

Can't wait to see the list for Star Wars 201 - I'd recommend Crimson Empire, Tales from the Mos Eisely Cantina & Jabba's Palace, Dark Empire, and the Rogue Squadron video game series.