
I would go further. There's only one good Indiana Jones movie: Raiders. Temple of Doom is offensively bad; Last Crusade is dull; and Crystal Skull is ludicrous.

Is anyone else distracted by Nable's accent? Ra's al Ghul with an Australian accent seems off to me.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see them link the two—make a Lazarus Pit the ultimate origin of Mirakuru (i.e. where the Japanese got the basis for their formula).

Putting my (very late) two cents in:
1) Much as it pains me to say it, season 5 of "Community" doesn't belong on this list. It had some high points, and was a definite improvement over season 4 (duh), but it wasn't in the top 35 this year—maybe the top 50.
2) "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is simply awesome. Andre Braugher alone

I'm heartened to see some dissenters on Hannibal. I thought I was the only one here who just didn't get it. I've watched both seasons and while its visuals are impressive, the storytelling seems to vary between the tawdry and the ludicrous.

In a world where James Franco, Andrew Garfield, Wil Wheaton, and Denis Leary all exist, Kane's face isn't even in the top ten in terms of punchability.
Plus, one of the nice things about Kane is that most of his acting roles involve him actually getting punched in his (admittedly) extremely punchable face.

I demand a webisode!

I don't think you need the word "like" in that last sentence.

I don't want an explanation. In the absence of a retraction and repentance, I want an apology, followed by ritual suicide.

Somewhere there's a world where "Stephen Colbert" and Geoff Peterson are going to go off and make their own show—in this world, we should at least get Peterson as a guest on the Colbert Report. "Stephen" and Geoff could argue about the rights of dead gay robots.

True, but man, he just never shuts up.

I'd say either the White Hart or the Angler's Rest—the Drones would top my list if I can include clubs.
I want to go with Milliways, but I'm fairly certain that I would find the announcer/presenter so aggravating I'd have to leave before the big show even began.

I now desperately want this to include at least one fight scene between Bob Newhart and Christian Kane. Newhart wins.

I'm just looking forward to more of John Rogers's wonderfully drunken (and drunkenly wonderful) DVD audio commentaries. Hopefully, Jonathan Frakes will direct an episode or two and turn up sloshed on the commentaries again as well.

Sam Axe was my first thought, and I stand by it.

When we were kids, my younger brother tried to be into whatever I was into, which I actively discouraged. As adults, our tastes are so divergent that on the rare occasion that he recommends something to me, I actively avoid it. (Some past recommendations of his include The Passion of Christ and Duck Dynasty.) I

Is it just me, or is Kevin Costner morphing into Tom Arnold?

There's a few I can imagine being surprised or saddened by, but I don't think any death is ever going to have the impact on me that George Carlin's did. It still hurts knowing that there'll never be another HBO special or album from him. And I'm still pissed I never got to see him live.

What will the Community theme park look like?