Jesse James

I shed tears once. When I found out my kid was taken overseas without my knowledge, and without my consent. I was told that because I was not given any custody up front, that it was …..okay. Allowable. So, when I do something to ensure that he does not receive the same treatment, arm chair white knights as

Yeahhhhhhhh, no.
There are several other things that are a privilege, not a right that you feminists take for granted. Male's strength, provision, protection, and children. Because apparently, when I go overseas, the sacrifice, dedication, and endurance to give that as a gift in the hopes that my country's court

You got me brah! Good going. You managed to fail at a weak zinger, simultaneously pointing out that you read my entire comment about being married to what feminists only claim to want to be, but fail like your reading comprehension to actually achieve. Great failure at pointing out

Yup. And these super manly, manly prince charming men who strangely can't marry these strong empowered princesses until after they have had their fun in their teens and twenties, then marry them when they have money in their thirties; want to call me a misogynist? LOL
In the words of Mencken I believe, the definition

Yup, that movie makes feminists everywhere jiz themselves for realz! If only they could treat all of us terribile rapey menz dat way eh?
Typical feminist reframe. You obviously have no argument, so you resort to, what may be to you, seemingly intelligent phrases posed as intellectual snark.
When in reality, like all