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    2008 Iraq was stable and well on its way to democracy. It was in such good shape the administration took a.victory lap in 2009 "Iraq will be our greatest achievement" joe biden

    Has America been attacked since?

    The folks cleaning it up, are the same folks that made the mess.

    No i don't. What would have happened if they had the gas, and launched it? Much, much worse.

    Yes, have you heard of ft. Hood? Sandy Hook? Boston Marathon? Colorado movie theater? Virginia Tech? South Carolina church? Etc….cops and citizens shooting each other everyday…

    Cant even go see a movie without machine gun fire

    If you actually read and comprehend what i wrote. More domestic terrorist attacks under obama then all history combined.

    I agree, and of course im biased but to say it was a mistake is wrong, because if there were wmds it would have been right, and thats not fair now with hindsight

    And your brother signed up, he knew the risks. My mother went to her job.

    Very true, but you don't get a second chance with this. You are only right until your not, and id rather error on the side of caution on this one considering the other side is a nuke going off you know?

    And to answer your question after only one decade, we have not been attacked by outside terrorists at all.

    You know its true, that is why you have resorted to name calling, and other child like behavior. Just admit it and move on.

    But they thought iraq had w.m.d.'s. Just like einstein thought germany was building a nuke.

    There is a reason lions are never attacked

    No they attack those cities,.because they can.

    What? Your first part doesn't make sense…

    Those were domestic terrorist attacks under obama. Thank You for listing some. We have had more domestic terrorist attacks during obama, then all of history combined

    Ok so after we all watched 4000 innocent people burn to death, what was your plan. You have the benefit of hindsight now, what should we have done instead?

    We have not been attacked by foreign terrorists, and not one innocent person has died since…

    I live 30 minutes from the towers and my mother died in the attacks. I know more about this then almost anyone.