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    That's funny. I thought the worst character on the show was Lilly.

    Guess who isn't getting a silver dollar. (Hint: Me.)

    RIP Happy Endings.

    Yeah but divorces don't happen when you sign the paperwork. You have to fill them out, a judge has to approve it, and in some cases there's a waiting period. I *know* I'm being nitpicky about it. And this is just a show. But it's one of those little things that takes you out of the story because it's so implausible.

    I thought about that, too. But wasn't that just a test run because her apartment got robbed and she was thinking of moving?

    Right. The part about going to the cousin who is just now starting to work with human clients so you can guilt them into doing it for next to nothing? Totally believable because Danny is cheap as hell. The idea that he's going to give up his most valuable possession—even though he's so upset that he literally is…

    I don't understand why Danny doesn't just go get a regular divorce lawyer. He can afford it. And then he wouldn't have to give up his Yankee Stadium seat, the most valuable thing he owns besides Mindy.

    I feel the same way about new shows. I hate getting invested and then they just go away. But the shows you mentioned are also on network television. FX is a lot more likely to renew a struggling show than say ABC.

    I've been following this one because I've had high hopes for it and I've enjoyed some of other episodes. But this was the worst one so far.