
I thought it was funny seeing Ben Folds randomly pop up in an episode with so many Dave Matthews references, since everyone i knew in high school who loved one also loved the other, permanently associating the two of them in my mind.

And yet Girls gets renewed for 2 more seasons…

Why do people keep referring to the scenes in this movie as "sex" when it is clearly RAPE? It is a 27 year old adult having sex with a 15 year old CHILD. That is not sex. That is not romantic. It is rape, plain and simple. 15 year old girls do not have fully-formed brains and are therefore incapable of consenting to

Theatre production shut down for being 'too gay'

Please explain to me how the 1996 health care plan devised by the Heritage Foundation and first implemented by the 2012 GOP nominee for President of the United States is a form of "liberalism"?

Yeah man it will never work. Like, how does this whole "world wide web" supposed to work anyway? You have to type stuff in? Like……WHAT? Come on man. You cant get health care from a WEBSITE! What am i supposed to plug a USB cord into my body? Download a MEDICINE??? What the hell. Health care is not a video game. Give

MAYBE THE ANSWER IS SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111!!!!!!11 human centipede

This post is exact proof that despite all the Applecult-esque claims of brilliance and prostration before the altars of Matt & Treay, South Park is and always have been nothing but middlebrow pablum for braindead mainstream america Dummybros

The middlingest of Middlebrow

South Park is what youd get if you combined Big Bang Theory with Two And A Half Men and then made the result out of construction paper.

South Park is so shitty. Its the poster boy of "tries-to-hard" Dadbro topicalism

Yeah its about as stupid as casting a Mexican to play a character called Kahn Noonien Singh. Although technically an Indian person is much more likely to be British than Mexican.

"My name is…..Napoleon Bonaparte!"

Or maybe she just doesnt like the competition

They should have killed Helo. He was the worst character on BSG

"360-degree interactive experience"

"And why did the kids always stop and cross their arms then fall on their
backs when the drop-off in the obstacle course was like four feet onto a
huge pad."