Without reading a single shred of information about it except for this newswire, I think I was pretty close. But yeah, firing through a closed door into an office is a lot closer to intent to kill than firing at a wall.
Without reading a single shred of information about it except for this newswire, I think I was pretty close. But yeah, firing through a closed door into an office is a lot closer to intent to kill than firing at a wall.
Does it help if you know this show has been in the works for years (at least Huebel has mentioned it a really long time ago) and it was not originally intended for youtube?
If we're talking about the character, not the person, I'm sure he'd constantly ask for feedback, in between hitting things and saying "sorry".
I agree that the "good intentions" part is stupid and/or offensive. But if your point is that he should have been sentenced for longer, I absolutely disagree for reasons I have explained above.
This isn't an internet troll that gets blocked for a few years, it's a human being. Sure, many consider him irredeemable, and…
I'm sorry, but I don't find this argument valid. Do you send someone to jail for years for intentionally driving off the road and hitting a tree because that could have been a group of children?
I understand all the context and the knee jerk reactions, but even if it was a rocket launcher, it still wasn't aimed at a person. Or was it?
I didn't really do my research on this really sad person.
Four years is a lot for shooting a gun at a wall. Most people who murder an African American get off with probation.
Two in the Ariel Pink, one in the Ursula Brown…
William Hughes used to be a freelancer, he might be a staff writer now, not sure…
Yah, unironically and bonery really…
If there ever was an unquestionable celebrity hall pass, it has to be Nathan Fielder.
Low cut as in balls hanging out or just normal shorts?
Is Hacksaw Ridge the one about Mel Gibson's dick complex?
You meant to do the orangutan but couldn't find his enclosure, right?
No shame in that, we've all been there.
I'm so pumped for this! All the episodes will be online on Saturday! Weekend marathon!
I hope Listler has you killed.
Well, to be fair, Americans prematurely dying because of ruthless capitalism has been a feature since the beta, not a bug.
Hey look, a plumberduck newswire that isn't annoying in any major way! And it's even mildly amusing! Who would have thunk?!
They did not.
Sure, they recovered, and seem to be getting used to insane distortions of reality, but is that a good thing in the long run? Do we want an "eh, it'll work itself out" reaction the next time things get really bad?