
For what it's worth they've already said the movie will be different from the book.

It feels like Twitter has really lowered the standard for what is "controversial" 99% of the articles that use the phrase "people are upset" attach half a dozen Twitter quotes as if that somehow represents good sourcing. Why the fuck am I suppose to care what @drewtoothpast thinks?

Well this will probably be the first and last time people on the internet got upset by something.


And where were all those younger, browner socially liberal people on November 8th. Hillary's percentage of the millennial vote went down from Obama's not up. In fact one of the biggest reasons we are losing the way we are is liberal millennials and minorities don't vote in midterm elections.

We don't need to get the people who voted for Trump we need to get the people who stayed home and I'd argue this shit doesn't do that.

Because we are losing, that is the crux of my entire argument. Despite the fact that we have better ideas currently Dems/liberals/progressives don't control the US house, US senate, we control the minority of state senates, the minority of state house, the minority of state governorships and we let the worst candidate

You're talking about the national average income of Trump voters. I'm talking about Trump voters in key rustbelt states, specifically Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania all which Obama won in 2012 and all of which lost massive amounts of locally owned industry.

You're right Trump voters don't care about marginalized groups but nether do most Dems we all dismiss the marginalize in our own way. We use computers and cell phones assembled by people working in horrible conditions, eat fruits and vegetables picked by people making far less then a minimum wage, shop at big box

That's you but I bet a lot of black people would especially if the opposing candidate wasn't paying much attention to the black vote at all.

"Why would a non-bigot vote for a man who stated that he wanted install a religious test for immigrants?"

I'm not telling you what to be offended by I'm just saying the state of perpetual outrage has not served the liberal agenda well when we treat a comedian telling an off the cuff joke worse then a state governor who supports laws that suppress the black vote. I think Kellyanne Conway is basically the devil incarnate

This comment represent the real disconnect. You do know that based on most estimates somewhere between 6 to 9 million Trump voters voted for Obama in 2012. So dismissing 100% of Trump voters as bigots is part of the problem. I think we can agree that every bigot in America voted for Trump but not everybody who voted

I'm just glad to know we fix racism by yelling at Bill Maher on twitter for few hours.

Lol, yeah okay…let me clue you in on something. Pretty much all of the people who are a legit threat to black people in America are smart enough not to use the "n-word" in public.

Or maybe those tweets could be used to get somebody fired who has actual power? Someone who decisions are actually negatively effecting the lives of black people in America. Remember when people on the internet got Glen Beck booted from Fox News and all that did was produce new more dangerous versions of Glen Beck ie

Okay, if you think Donald Trump being president is fine then keep doing what you're doing and we'll get him reelected in 2020. I don't like Trump and prefer to think of his election as a wake up call for liberalism.

Is getting Bill Maher to apologize is real work? Let me ask a question how'd all this outrage culture bullshit work out for us on November 8th 2016?

My point is now that Bill Maher apologized has anything change? Legit question, what was gained from this? Waht did we black people, we liberals win? How is this gonna get Trump out the Whitehouse? How does this effect peoples lives in any real way? Bill Maher doesn't offend me, what offends me is that the attorney

Um, I'm pretty sure this fixed racism also I think you're not considering the fact that protesting real issues is hard and it makes me feel good when celebrities I don't like get in trouble.