
I think of Vikings as a "B" category show (this is not a bad thing). Dennis can't give out A grades to a show with such consistently clunky dialogue and soap operatic storylines. I love the thought and effort that goes into Dennis' Vikings reviews and it is clear that he is very fond of the show but he also has to

You have to wonder who Hirst thinks these ridiculous love triangles appeal to. Certainly not women who, from my point of view at least, find them repellant.

It's obvious that the writers/producers want to keep Ecbert and Aethelwulf on show and this means that we can't have an adult Alfred whilst they are still alive. Once again they are dragging out the arc of certain characters to the detriment of the show.

Agree. All of the Ragnarssons are hamstrung by trying to copy Travis. Bjorn's pathetic hissy fit "I'm the chosen one" speech from last week was particularly bad. I'm no fan of Alex Ludwig but he wasn't always so wooden and stilted. I think that in trying to copy Fimmel he has lost himself.

I agree 100% with you. Garbage sub-plots indeed. Hirst should have been given a writing team because as much as he created the Viking world he is ruining it with his lazy soap opera writing.

Torvi is the writer's real life daughter. Maybe he wanted a bigger part for her in the show.

Torstein, Leif, Eric etc. I miss them too. When you look back they were as much a part of the show as Ragnar.

I also had an extreme case of Ragnar-withdrawal syndrome.


Glad to know that someone agrees with me regarding Boring Bjorn. I read somewhere, I think on one of these threads that Ludwig was epically uncharismatic and I have to agree. He is fine as a supporting or side character but he is not a lead. I miss Travis Fimmel. I miss Ragnar. I miss Seasons 1 and 2 Vikings when

Maybe he was upset over his ridiculous character development!

I like Clive Standen but think the Rollo character is ridiculous. Such silly soap opera storylines. He could have been a really great character too.

Happy New Year to you too. We'll agree to disagree.

The British spelling is "bight". I'm not American darling.

He's a trouper. I'd take a bight out of him too if I got the chance.

My point is that yes, they've been setting it up but the set-up of Bjorn, Ivar etc. hasn't worked. I just can't feign interest in them. Ivar at least has some presence and charisma but whenever Travis Fimmel isn't on screen everything falls flat. This is the issue I'm talking about - they had years to develop the

Strongly disagree. They hit the jackpot in casting Travis Fimmel and don't seem to realise that his charisma has carried the show to the point where I get resentful when he's not on screen or when they move to other character stories. I fully realise that Hirst always meant it to be a show about generations of

I savour Dennis' Vikings reviews and I agree with his mostly "B" grades for the show. Vikings is always let down by the writing and by the often clunky, lazy dialogue. He can't give "A" ratings to shows which aren't in the "A" category of writing, no matter how beautiful the cinematography or how spellbinding the