Don't forget Amaya's Boromir like speech about using the Spear for good.
Don't forget Amaya's Boromir like speech about using the Spear for good.
Really debatable about WWII being worse than WWI. WWI was a real horror show.
Talk about your life Hawkwoman
Days were tame and nights the same
Now think about the coffee
Here comes your ancient flame
So remind us of how your just a barista
For the umpteenth time, again
Couldn't he have disassembled 20 vital somethings in the missile launcher in the time it took him to guess the code.
Was there any significance to the person in the photos that Gypsy handed to The Accelerated Man? They seemed to linger long enough that it could have been an Easter Egg.
Spoilers for the lego batman movie:
I have this horrible compulsion to set all two syllable names ending in O to the tune of Peter Gabriel's "Biko".
I hear that idea is in the wind. Like a leaf.
Being Alan Tudyk?
I wonder if it will address his deep and ugly racism. Perhaps in a musical number.
You got your Pokémon in my Supergirl!
Don't mind if I do! -Barry Allen Simpson.
Worst Blackish ever. Sorry the AV Club went out on this one. I know I wanted Charlie back, but not like this, dammit. Charlie is weird and unaware, not a goddamn idiot.
I am ready to introduce my kids to this show. It is hard to get the old stuff.
I agree with you. It's not bad, but it is coasting on the back of Bill Murray's charisma, and the hopes that ghosts really do give blow-jobs.
Please tell me a ghost goes down on one of the Ghostbusters for no particular reason at some point in this movie.
Steve Harvey is his own uncanny valley where he ruminates on how best to interr the athiests and gays. If the robots are here to replace Steve Harvey then let me make like Kent Brockman watching ants in zero-g.
Green is not a creative color.
Ya mo be there.
"What's Alan Watching" was one of those things that I saw and never could convince anyone that it even existed. Like Goober and The Ghostchasers. Not until I got to college and my eventual roommate impossibly had it on VHS. We watched it over and over.